Chapter 8- Don't Play

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Zania's POV

I got off the phone with Jason my annoying ass cousin.I turned ans saw Nathan looking at me funny.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Nope, nothing at all. Just the fact that I just heard that you have a child." Nathan replied calm, but it was the scary calm

"So whats the matter with me having a child." I was getting heated. Nobody will talk smack about my family. Like I can take you talking smack about me but my family that's different.

"Oh there nothing wrong with you having a child. It's just I'm not the father of this child. Do you even know who the father is to this kid of yours?'

"No I don't know who her father is-"

"You are down right dirty bitch if you don't know who fathered your child!"

Lord give strength. I know damn well this boy just didn't. I looked down at my hands then up at Nathan's face. I raised my clenched fist and I swung as hard as I could into BNathan's pretty little face. I guess since I'm so small compared to him and he was so strong he must not of felt anything much cause all he did was clench is jaw and glare at me.

"Nathan I actually thought you were better than that but you know what you are the dirty female dog (Zania doesn't cuss)." I said to him as I pulled my shirt over my head and forced my self into my jeans.

As I was walking away I didn't find a point in wearing my shoes so I put them in my purse and threw my hair up in a sloppy bun. At times like this, this is when I feel like running. I always like to run when I need to think. My house was about 3 miles away form his. Since it's like 1 in the morning and I live in a pretty peaceful neighborhood it wont be so bad to go running at this time.

Just as I stuck my foot outside of his house he decided to come down.

"Where do you think you are going?"

I turned and gave him a stank face

Zakia: Damn girl look at him

Zania: I see him but he is a little prick

Zakia: But he so fine you

Zania: So...

Zakia: We both know you can't stay mad at that white meat

Zania: I'm done!

"Zania quit ignoring me. I really didn't mean anything that I said. I was just being a stupid jerk. Dear, please forgive me."

I looked at him and his pity ass apology and walked away from him.

I rolled my eyes when I heard him running after me. He grabbed my arm, pretty much almost yanking my arm off when he turned me to him. I wanted to cuss him out so bad but I'm not going to talk to him.

"Zania please don't leave me. Atleast talk to me, Babe I'm sorry."

"Zania don't go. Please come back!"

I never looked back at him but when he let go of my arm I was on my way back home. I don't have time for no igonart people.

Nathan was still yelling for me to come back. He caught up to me and pulled me towards him. I turned and the sight of a broken hearted Nathan was breaking my heart. I still wasn't going to give in.

"Carter you are so igonart. You called me a freakin female dog and you think a couple of I'm sorry is going to fix somehting? Hell to the NO! Nathan you are my freakin mate and why did you find it in you to hurt me in the worst way possible. To be honest I'm not even made that you called me a dog. I'm more mad that you were talking smack bout my family. I surely do belive if I were to talk about your sister you would blow. And for you information Bridget isn't my real dughter. I found the poor girl behind my building at work. Plus I'm still a virgin. Pure not like your dyke hoing ass. Now who's the dirty bitch."

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