Chapter 9- Unwritten

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Zania's POV

I heard footsteps they were approaching us quick. I didn't know what to do. Should I push Nathan off or keep going? His lips are so soft and perfect though.
Greyson was squirming in my arms. I totally forgot he was still in my hands. I quickly maneuvered Nathan off of me.
As soon as we got apart Haden came in the room.
"Hey Zania is Greyson still going with you?"
"Umm, yeah. He needs clothes though."
"Oh, stupid me. I forgot."
"It's okay, I think I have a decent amount of clothes for him at my house."
"So Nate what were you and Zania up to. You guys look suspicious."
"Haden what are you talking about?" I have to keep me and Nathan's relationship on the DL until I'm ready for it to be in the open.
"Zania don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about."
"Actually I don't. All Nathan did was come up and give me your son's underwear. So what is it that you are saying?"
"Hey little brother stop messing with the little lady she is the one that will be watching your kid while you and Grace are out doing freaky shit for a whole week. You do realize Zania can always change her mind."
"Man my bad Z. I was just playing around don't get mad."
God Haden is so stupid. I didn't feel like answering him so I rolled my eyes and picked Greyson up so we could get our move on.
"Greyson say bye to your annoying father and let's go say bye to everyone else."
Haden gave his son a hug while Nathan gave him a high five.
I wonder how Nathan would be as a father. Woah, what's wrong with me. Why am I thinking of a future with Nathan.
Zakia: Cuz he's your mate
Zania: Oh shut up always saying that

I held Grey's hand as we made it down the stairs.
Once we reached the living room he ran off to say bye to his momma.
Grace picked up her adorable baby boy and was cooing at him like there ain't no tomorrow-
"I'm going to miss you so much baby boy. Are you going to be good for Mommy when she's gone?"
Grace is a great mom. I always envied how she can have a man, alone time, a perfect body, everything a women would want in her life.
I felt an electric shock come through my left hand. I looked to my left to see the cause of the shock. It was the one and only Nathan. Nathan was trying to play off that he bumped into me but actually he squeezed my hand as if he heard my thought.
"Come on Grey it's getting late and you need to get some sleep, babe."
He ran towards me with the biggest smile on his face. You can never get tired of such a cute thing.
"Grace or Haden, I need Greyson's car seat."
"Alright Z. I got it for you."
Once me and Grace got outside. My life was over Grace started talking a lot of craziness.
"So Zania..."
"What's up with you and Nathan."
"OMG what's with you and your husbands asking about me and that man we aren't even in a mutual relationship. I only had to speak to him when you introduced us to each other at your pool party."
"Girl, I'm just asking. Anyways the way y'all were staring each other down I wouldn't take your words as in you saying you guys aren't an item."
"Sis! Ok me and him aren't in a relationship but we had been talking and he is a dirty butt. He said stuff about Bridget and that's why you would see us giving each other looks. I had to put on the nice faced for you guys but we aren't an item. I situation with his stupid mouth is fixed but we are nothing to each other. Ok, love?"
"Well damn if you put it that way. Zania, but when I caught y'all staring at each other them looks weren't the I hate you looks they were something more but not I love you looks. Are you sure you don't like that boy?"
"GRACE! I don't freakin like him. I'm waiting for my knight and shining armor; and it's most truly not him."
"Alright, alright. Dang! Just take care of my baby boy while me and Haden make some more babies."
"I'm outtie girl. And your nasty tail only 21 and you have a 4 year old
kid. Slow the heck down.Bye girl."

"Greyson your mother is a mess!" I told Grey once I got him settled in my car.
We finally made it to my house and it was 8:51 P.M.
My little munchkin was knocked out in the back seat. I got out and took his chunky behind out of my car.
I carried Greyson to my room and laid him down while I went to the room at the right of mines. This was the spare room that I turned into Greyson's room. I went in and found him his favorite Elmo pajamas. I returned back to my room and dressed Greyson without waking him up.
My love do you ever dream of candy coated raindrops
My phone started playing Candy Rain pretty loud. I quickly grabbed it and left the room not to wake Greyson up.
"So my dear, I heard that you said we are nothing at all and the only reason we were giving side glances was because of our earlier predicament. Are you sure that was the reason we were at looking at each other, Sweetness?" The sound of his baritone voice talking quite and low sent shivers down my spine. Why does he have this effect on me?
"Sir, I did state that to someone. I only said that because I rather take things slow instead of having 2 freaking packs in my business."
"That is pretty smart. So when am I allowed to show everyone that I have a piece of chocolate by my side?"
"I don't know. Just not now. Who even told you I said that?"
"Well, I was coming outside to say good bye to you but Grace was still there so I went to a corner where you guys couldn't see me and I guess I listened to everything you guys said."
"Oh..." I didn't have anything to say for him spying on me but he was only waiting so he could say bye to me and he couldn't get a chance to.
"So since you have a whole week with Greyson what are you going to do about work?"
"I'm the boss and owner. I think I deserve sometime of aswell."
"Oh.. Ok so Grace and Haden are leaving now for Australia and returning on Saturday. That's nice. So what are we going to do about us?"
"What do you mean by us? We aren't even together."
"Well Zania Perandre would you like to do the honors and be my girlfriend?"
A/N: Ok y'all what do you think Zania should say
Please excuse my errors
I'm trying to go back and fix my mistakes but its whatever
Anyways how did I do?
I hope you guys enjoyed
Greyson cute tail in the MM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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