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9:24 AM

"Hey, Sky, wake up." Skylar felt a hand grab onto her shoulder and begin shaking her, stirring her awake. She slowly opened her eyes, forgetting where she was for a moment.

"What?" She mumbled, covering up her mouth as she yawned. She could feel something soft under her head, but instead of a pillow, it was Luke's arm.

"The plane landed." Luke answered. Skylar's head shot up and she looked around, noticing that the plane was beginning to empty.

"Did I sleep the entire time?" Skylar asked. She stood up, also noticing that she was still holding Luke's hand. Why didn't he try to let go after she fell asleep?

"You literally drooled on me." Luke laughed, ignoring Skylar's question. He showed her a small spot on his sweatshirt that was slightly wet, and Skylar felt her face begin to hear up.

"Oh, sorry." Skylar said quietly, looking down at the floor. She remembered what Luke had said earlier about girls always drooling all over him, Skylar was probably the first person to actually do that. "So why did we land, are we here already?"

"We were only in the air for a little over an hour." Luke answered, also taking notice of their intertwined hands.

"Then why did we land?" Skylar dropped Luke's hand. She wiped her palms on her jeans, almost like she was trying to get rid of any trace of Luke.

"There's something wrong with the plane, I think? I don't know, I was asleep too. They're just telling everyone to get off." Luke shrugged.

"What? What do you mean there's something wrong with the plane? There can't be." Skylar shook her head, furiously looking around her. They were almost the last people on the plane, only because Skylar was practically frozen where she was standing.

"Hey, Sky, it's okay. We're already on the ground, we're fine." Luke said, reaching out for Skylar once more. He grabbed her hand and tried to lace their fingers together again, but Skylar drew her hand back.

"Stop calling me that." She snapped. "I told you not to call me that."

"I'm sorry, I just thought - " Skylar cut Luke off again.

"This can't be happening, no. I have to get to Australia." Skylar said, her breathing started to quicken it's pace. She didn't normally freak out like this, but she needed to get to Australia as soon as she could. She had to get another flight.

"Do you want to sit down?" Luke asked, unamused. Skylar couldn't decide if he was actually concerned about her or if he was putting on an act. She knew that all he wanted was to have sex with her, Skylar was scared that he was going to take advantage of her because of how she was panicking.

"No, I - I think I'm going to be sick." Skylar swallowed, trying as hard as she could to keep the breakfast sandwich she had eaten a few hours before down in her stomach.

"Aw, Sky, are you really? Hold on a second, I'll find you a - " Luke began to search through the pouch in the seat in front of his, looking for a barf bag for Skylar to use.

"I'm fine, Luke. I don't need you taking care of me like I'm a baby." She refused, shaking her head. She breathed in and out slowly for a few seconds, trying to calm herself down enough to the point where she wasn't going to make herself throw up all over Luke.

"I just didn't want you to puke all over me, that's all." Luke said, coughing quietly.

"Where are we? Do you know?" Skylar asked, looking around again. She pushed past Luke and looked out the window, like that would help her find out what state they were in.

"Still in California, I think. I guess we circled around for a little bit before landing. I told you, I fell asleep too." Luke said. He stepped forward and tried once more to touch Skylar, but she stopped him.

"Stop touching me! Just stop, Luke, stop!" She held both of her hands up and stumbled backwards, leaving her backpack behind as she tried to get off of the plane as fast as she could.

Once she made it off of the plane Skylar went straight to a customer service desk, ready to find out when she could get on the next flight to Australia. She waited impatiently in line behind a few other people, who were also having the same problem as her.

Skylar felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned around quickly, only to be met by Luke. He had her backpack slung over his shoulder, having grabbed it for her after she left him on the plane.

"What do you have in here, Sky?" Luke laughed softly, setting the heavy backpack down on ground next to Skylar's feet.

"Leave me alone." Skylar snapped. She picked up her backpack and put it back on.

"What's your deal?" Luke scoffed. "Why are you acting like this?"

"Look, I know that we may have had a little moment back there on the plane and we held hands or - or whatever we did but I think that this should just end here." Skylar said quickly. She was trying hard not to cry, this was literally her worst nightmare. She had wanted to get to Australia as fast as she could and now that was being put off for who knows how long.

"Hey, hey, hey." Luke grabbed Skylar's shoulders in his large hands, leaning in close to her. He must have noticed that she was about to cry, because his face showed genuine concern this time. "What's so important in Australia?"

Skylar didn't know what had happened to Luke while she was asleep on the plane, but something inside of him definitely changed. He wasn't acting like as much of an asshole as he had before, it was almost like he was a completely different person. Luke was being nice to Skylar, and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not.

"You really wouldn't understand, Luke. I think it's better if you just leave me alone from now one." Skylar shook Luke away from her, wiping under her eyes to stop the few tears that were beginning to fall.

"I'm just trying to help." Luke offered.

"I don't need it." She said, finally turning back around and moving up in line.

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