2.5 - hair ties

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2:30 PM

Due to the stress of the mornings events and the fact that Luke got absolutely not sleep the night before, he decided that now might be a good time to let his inner child out. Apparently Skylar had the exactly same idea, because as soon as Luke suggested that they stop at the playground she agreed, and that's how they ended up here.

"One...two....three!" Luke shouted, swinging on the swing for a few more seconds before launching himself off of it. He landed on both feet for a mere second before stumbling over, falling to the ground.

It was a pretty gloomy day in whatever town they were in, which meant that there weren't any children or parents at the part, because they all stayed home with the fear of rain. Luke and Skylar were completely alone in the playground, and Luke thought that was great. He liked the idea of being in such a big place with no one else except Skylar, because of course he would want to be with Skylar.

"6 out of 10." Skylar said from her place on the other swing, carefully kicking at the ground with her feet. He was rating Luke's jumps, and had been for the past 15 minutes.

"I'd say that was at least a solid 7." Luke scoffed. He brushed himself and walked over to the rolly slide, climbing up the ladder on the other side.

"No," Skylar called up to him, shaking her head. "I think your landing was a little off."

"I landed on two feet!" Luke protested. He stood up on the slide, preparing to go down on his feet.

"Then you fell." Skylar laughed. She got up from the swing and walked over to the bottom of the slide, waiting for Luke to come down

"Well, excuse me." Luke said sarcastically, "I'm sorry that I'm not part cat."

"I had a cat once and it didn't land on it's feet when it jumped off of things. It always fell on it's face." Skylar giggled, looking up at the sky for a moment, like she was remembering her old cat.

"That figures. You would get the only cat in the world that's dumb enough to not land on its feet." Luke chuckled, sliding down. He was able to stay standing the whole way down, even though he didn't think he was gong to be able to accomplish that. Once him and Ashton stopped at a park like the one they were at to play at while they were on tour, and Luke fell off of the slide just like this one.

"It's not my fault. It was really fat, I don't think it could land on it's feet if it tried." Skylar shrugged.

"Fat cats are so adorable, oh my God. Do you have a picture of it?" Luke almost squealed, turning to face Skylar again.

"No, I don't think so. I was, like, 10 years old."

"Damn, I got so excited! I want a fat cat. It could just curl up in a little ball and lay on my stomach and keep me warm." Luke beamed, already fantasizing about his future fat cat. He wanted to get one, now, and probably would as soon as he settled down and got an apartment of his own. It was something he had been planing to do soon anyway, and now the idea of sharing an apartment with a fat cat made everything better.

"So get one." Skylar said blankly, making Luke roll his eyes. He bumped his shoulder with hers once more, barely looked at her from the corner of his eye. She was blushing, again.

Luke sighed, walking away from the slide and over to one of those spiny things, Luke didn't think they had an exact name. One person would sit on it while the other spun them around, and usually the person sitting on it ended up throwing up.

"Spin me!" Luke yelled, taking a seat on the thing. He stretch his arms out, inviting Skylar to come towards him.

Skylar tried to spin Luke, but she was clearly struggling with it. "You're heavy." She whined.

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