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((this chapters really long oh and it might be a little triggering like I don't know cuz I'm dont I'm not meeeh I'm not sure idrk I'm sorry))


3:56 PM

"What could you possibly want?" Luke snapped, answering the phone.

"My God, did I interrupt something important?" Michael scoffed, letting out a loud laugh.

"Actually yes, Michael, you did." Luke said, rolling his eyes. He really didn't want to tell Michael that he had been about to have a wank in the bathroom, but he knew he was getting to the point where he would need to.

"What were you doing, having a wank?" Michael continued laughing, barely able to get words out of his mouth as he gasped for air.

"Yes!" Luke shouted, clearly annoyed. "Now please tell me what was so important."

Michael stopped laughing abruptly, realizing that what he had previously assumed was true. "We have to talk."

"About what? Are you going to make me cry again?" Luke asked, letting out a groan. He realized that he probably shouldn't be groaning like that, or Michael would still think he was jacking off while on the phone.

"No, no, oh my God, Luke." Michael said quietly. Luke knew that Michael felt bad for making him cry earlier, and when they were on the phone the second time Michael apologized probably a thousand times. Even though the two of them didn't always get along, nothing ever went as far as one of them crying, and it obviously scared Michael that he had the ability to do so.

"Okay, fine. Then what is it? I don't have all day, Mike." Luke said, hoping to ease Michael along.

"The girl," Michael started, and Luke sighed. He already felt that this was going to be the same conversation they had before.

"Skylar." Luke corrected him, figuring that if she was all Michael was going to call about he might as well learn her name.

"I'm worried about her, dude, have you been on twitter lately?" Michael asked.

Luke shook his head, he hadn't been on twitter since earlier today in the sandwich place, because he had been trying to save the battery power on his phone. "No. What's going on?"

"She's getting a ton of hate, and it's even making me upset. How old is she, Luke, barely 18?" Michael asked, and Luke swore he felt his heart drop to his stomach. Was the hate really that bad? Luke always assumed that the fans were hating on him for being with Skylar, not the other way around.

"She's 17." Luke said, "She just turned 17 two months ago."

"Oh God, Luke, she doesn't deserve all of this at just 17 years old." Michael said shakily, like he couldn't believe it either.

Luke just kept shaking his head, like maybe if he did it enough times the words coming from his friends mouth might somehow become untrue.

"No, there has to be a mistake? Are you sure the fans are talking about her? Maybe they're saying those mean things about that girl I was with a few weeks ago, she was mean anyway." Luke rambled on, trying to deny the fact that Skylar was getting all of this hate.

"No, they're definitely talking about her. Luke, this isn't good. Please don't let her see any of it, she's not going to be able to handle it." Michael went on, "Do you remember when we were her and started to get noticed by people, and they sent us hate too? That whole 5SOS versus One Direction thing? That was awful, I swear Calum was upset about it for a week."

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