1.4 - lip bites

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11:44 AM

"What's your deal, Sky? Why can't you just trust me?" Luke yelled, running after Skylar. He sped up and slid in front of her before she reached the door, blocking her from moving and further.

"I met you in an airport a few hours ago, I don't know how you expect me to trust you after knowing you for less than a day." Skylar groaned, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, geez." Luke sighed. "I'm not going to hurt you, Sky."

Luke was telling the truth this time, he would never try to intentionally hurt Skylar. He wasn't sure what it was about her, but there was something that made Luke want to get to know her more. Of course he would fuck the shit out of her the second he got the chance to, but he wanted more from her now. He wanted to be her friend.

"Maybe I'll have an easier time leaving with you if you stop being such a cocky bastard, how about that?" Skylar asked.

"Sky, baby, I'm sorry I - I'm not trying to be a cocky bastard." Luke stammered, growing more nervous as he looked down at Skylar, who was standing close to him and trying to get inside the airport again.

"I thought I told you not to call me baby. Or Sky. I've known you for a few hours, Luke, I'm not your girlfriend." Skylar added, "And I never will be."

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood a little." Luke shrugged. "Can't we just leave, just for a few hours?"

"I can't just leave, what if - "

"What if what, Sky? Nothing bad is going to happen." Luke said slowly.

"Can't we just go back inside?" Skylar groaned, obviously growing impatient with Luke. She nervously bit down on her lip, glancing at her surroundings. There really wasn't much out her except for the car parked on the side of the road that Luke thought they would have gotten into by now.

But Luke couldn't keep his eyes off of Skylar, and the way that she was biting her lip like that. He focused on the way her teeth kept grazing over her bottom lip, over and over, and he thought about how good it would probably feel if she did something like that to him. Luke wasn't even going to deny it now, he was extremely attracted to Skylar.

"Fuck, Sky, don't do that." Luke whispered, leaning in closer to her. He wanted to kiss her so bad but he knew that if made a bold move like that he could possibly ruin everything for them.

"Don't do what?" Skylar asked. "I'm not even doing anything."

"You're so fucking attractive." Luke blurted out, before he could really stop himself. He honestly couldn't help it, though, because Skylar was attractive, and much more attractive than any girl Luke had ever slept with before.

"Oh." Skylar said quietly, a light pink blush appearing on her cheeks. She looked down, doing her best not to meet Luke's intense stare.

"Wow, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean for that to slip out. That was - that was...wrong." Luke apologized for the second time in the past few minutes, chuckling nervously. He hoped that Skylar wasn't just going to get up and walk away now, he sounded like such a creep. Who just blurts out that they think a girls attractive like that? Luke Hemmings, that's who.

"It's fine." Skylar spoke softly. "Can we go back inside now?"

Luke could tell that Skylar was trying to change the subject, and he didn't blame her. It was strange, he didn't feel any disappointment about the fact that she hadn't given him a complement in return for his, it was like that didn't even matter anymore. Luke was so used to girls constantly telling him how hot he was that he didn't mind that Skylar hadn't.

"Are you sure you don't want to go get a hotel or something?" Luke asked, hoping that Skylar wasn't going to assume that Luke was going to take her back to a hotel room so they could fuck.

That wasn't even Luke's intention anymore. And it appalled him to come to this realization, but Luke figured that he probably wouldn't even care if him and Skylar don't sleep together by the end of this whole thing.

"I - I don't know, maybe later? I don't want to leave just yet, Luke." Skylar mumbled.

"There's nothing to do in here." Luke groaned as he held the door open for Skylar, who slipped through it without saying another word to Luke.

"We can just sit and talk." She glanced over her shoulder at Luke, who was miserably shuffling along behind her.

"We already did that." Luke grumbled. He eventually caught up with Skylar and forcefully grabbed her hand, linking their fingers together. He didn't mean to be so harsh about it, he just really wanted to hold her hand.

"Not enough." Skylar answered quietly. "I don't know enough about you yet. And you know nothing about me."

"So you want to play 20 questions?" Luke smirked back at her, already thinking up an endless amount of questions that he can ask Skylar. She was really digging herself into a big hole with this one, Luke was a pro at 20 questions. He was a pro at anything.

Skylar paused for a second, like he was contemplating her answer. "Yeah." She nodded, "Let's play 20 questions."

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