4.1 - skinny dipping

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10:00 PM

Luke laughed at Skylar as he stood up, the expression on her face a strange mixture of joy and confusion. Like she was still happy about Luke's little confession from a few moments ago, but now confused because she had no idea what he was doing.

"What?" Skylar asked, shaking her head a few times.

"'Gonna do something insane?" Luke replied, almost like he was asking a question. He walked closer to the shore, doing a little dance as he got farther away from Skylar.

He took off his shoes and let the water hit his feet, not minding that the bottom of his jeans were getting wet. He tossed them over to the side, near Skylar, so they wouldn't get wet. His shirt came off next, and Luke threw it down on the sand somewhere close to his shoes.

"You're - Luke, I don't think you - " Skylar stammered, standing up as well. By now Luke had guessed that she'd figured out what he was doing, but he still didn't care.

He backed up a little and tired to wiggle out of his jeans, but ended up falling right on his ass, where he was able to pull the tight pants off of his legs and throw them where he'd tossed everything else.

"Pretend you didn't see that." Luke laughed, glancing over at Skylar. He stood up and brushed himself off, suddenly having a moment of insecurity at the fact that he was standing before a girl that was very special to him in only his boxers.

Of course he had been in only his boxers in front of other girls before, he'd been totally naked in front of most of them, but something about this almost felt different to Luke. Skylar was special, and not like those other girls. He didn't have any feelings for them, he didn't love them like he loved Skylar. Plus Luke's underwear had tacos on them, and he was slightly embarrassed about that.

"Isn't it cold?" Skylar finally spoke up, thankfully not mentioning the tacos. Maybe it would be too dark for her to notice them.

"The water feels nice." Luke said, walking forward again. He kept going until the water was up to his ankles, and then turned around.

"It won't be fun until you come in." He smiled at Skylar, holding his arms out for her.

"Are you crazy?" Skylar questioned, shaking her head. She folded her arms over her chest, seeming like she was perfectly content wrapped up in Luke's giant sweatshirt. Meanwhile, Luke was shivering like there was no tomorrow.

"Maybe a little!" Luke yelled back, still holding his arms out for her.

"I'll just stay here." Skylar laughed, backing even further away from the shore. This wasn't exactly how Luke pictured this happening in his head.

"Sky, come on!" Luke whined. He felt like such a dork, he totally expected Skylar to go along with this little plan and here he was, shivering in his taco underwear.

"It's cold." Skylar sighed, still refusing to come anywhere near the water.

"Please, for me? We'll only stay in for a few minutes." Luke begged. He began walking towards the shore, figuring that he could just grab Skylar and drag her in if she didn't agree.

"Fine." Skylar sighed again, already taking Luke's sweatshirt off. She threw it down on the ground, kicking her shoes off as well. Luke watched as her hands went to the back of her dress, to the zipper, and that's when Luke realized that she was going to be almost-naked right in front of him.

"Hurry up." Luke whined, rubbing his hands over his arms to try and warm himself up. It wasn't working, and Skylar was still struggling to get her dress off.

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