1.8 - confessions

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12:26 PM

Skylar stood up from the table and threw away the remains of her sandwich and Luke's, which he hadn't even taken a bite of. Luke was still at the table and angrily staring down at his phone, his jaw clenched as he scrolled through it.

"Hey," Skylar said as she sat down again, grabbing Luke's attention.

"Hi," He mumbled, barely looking up a her before he went back to his phone.

Skylar picked up he own phone again and checked once more for a call from her mom. She knew that it was late in Australia and she probably wouldn't get a call for another few hours, but that didn't stop Skylar from being on edge. With Skylar's mom, you never know.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Luke asked, finally setting his phone back down on the table.

Skylar shook her head. She was still too worried about leaving, even though it wouldn't make much difference if she was here or not. Either way, Skylar wouldn't be able to hop on a plane and go to Australia if her mother happened to call. But there was still a small sliver of hope inside of her that maybe, possibly, another plane would come and she would be able to get back to Australia earlier than planned.

"Sky," Luke said, reaching for her hand again. Both of them seemed to have a thing for hand holding, and that's why they didn't mind dong this with one another, even though they were just friends.

"What?" She asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Why don't you want to leave?" He asked her. Skylar just shrugged, not wanting to tell Luke everything just yet. She had learned to trust him in the last few hours, but she still wasn't ready to spill her life story.

"There has to be a reason, Sky, you can't possibly be telling me that you actually want to say here all day?" Luke questioned.

"I just don't want to leave," She shrugged. "I feel safer here."

"Safe? There's nothing unsafe about what's going on outside." Luke argued back.

Skylar groaned and put her head in her hands, wiggling her fingers out of Luke's grasp. She felt like crying again, for more than one reason. All she wanted was to get to Australia, there was nothing else. She would do anything to be there at the moment.

"Do you not want to hang out with me anymore?" Luke asked blankly as he stared back at Skylar.

She slowly looked up at him, letting her hands rest on the top of the table. "No, Luke, it's not that..."

"Then what is it? There shouldn't be anything holding you back." Luke said, folding his arms over his chest. He leaned back in his chair, waiting for a response from Skylar.

"Luke, you wouldn't understand and you probably never will. Just drop it." Skylar sighed. She picked up her phone again, still no new calls.

"Are you in some kind of trouble, Sky?" Luke asked. Skylar stood up and walked around the table, grabbing her backpack from off of Luke's chair. She quickly walked out of the restaurant, both because she didn't want to be near Luke anymore and she knew that they were beginning to cause a scene.

"Are you running away from something?" Luke followed after her, tripping on his way out. "Do you need money, Sky? I have money, I can give you money."

"Luke, I'm not in any kind of trouble where I need to run away and I don't need money. I just want to get to Australia and see my mom, and I'd rather not go exploring some strange town with you when I'm perfectly fine staying here." Skylar turned around and faced Luke, who grabbed her wrists to stop her from moving farther away from him.

"I'm starting to think it's not really your mum that you want to see." Luke said, slowly shaking his head. "Oh God, do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, I don't - that's not the point! Why do you think I'm lying about this?" Skylar demanded, trying to break free from Luke's grasp.

"You're fucking crazy, no 17 year old girl wants to see her mum that bad." Luke scoffed, rolling his eyes at her. Skylar's eyes began to well up with tears, for Luke's comment only made her miss her mom more.

"Well once again, Luke, you're wrong." Skylar choked out, trying to keep all of her tears in until she was finally alone. She hated crying in front of people.

"But, baby, I'm never wrong." Luke smirked, letting go of her wrists.

"Shut up, Luke! Don't call me baby, I'm not just another one of those girls that you can win for the night just because you call them baby. I actually have some more important things to worry about other than how hot you think you are, so I would really fucking appreciate it if you left me alone!" Skylar yelled, and now she knew that they has caused a scene. A few people walking by even stopped to watch them.

"More important things? Your mum is more important that having a little fun for one night? Wow, Sky, you're really weird, definitely not the type of girl I normally go for." Luke said, a breathy laugh escaping his lips.

"Well you're not the type of guy I would normally go for either." Skylar shrugged, biting down hard on her lip as it began to quiver up and down.

"You need to learn how to live a little, Sky. Stop being such a little bitch and have some fun, you wimp. Your mum can wait." Luke said, and even after Skylar stood there in front of him for a good two minutes trying to find out what to say next, she could still hear the words ringing through her head.

"You're such an asshole, I don't know why I ever trusted you." Skylar spat out, turning away from Luke. She was about to storm off, but was afraid to because her eyes were already so blurred with tears that she wouldn't be able to find her way back to the bathrooms, or anywhere else that she could hide from Luke.

"You could have just told me what was wrong in the first place." Luke stepped forward, putting a hand on Skylar's shoulder.

"My mom has cancer, you douche!" Skylar screamed, spinning around again and kicking Luke hard in the shin. "That's what's wrong! She's dying and I'm stuck in this fucking airport with you!"

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