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3:15 PM

Skylar tried to run at the same pace that Luke was, but it was hard considering the fact that he was racing down the street like he was trying to win a marathon. Thankfully he was still holding her hand, and he dragged her along when she felt that she couldn't keep up any longer.

They had run around the building and past the front door again, hoping to pass by without any of the paparazzi inside seeing them. Unfortunately, one of the men happened to be turned around and looking out the window as they ran by, and now Luke and Skylar were being chased.

"Does this happen all the time?" Skylar yelled ahead to Luke, who was frantically looking around for a place to stop.

"'Happens to Michael and Calum more than me," Luke said, glancing over his shoulder for a short second. "I usually just let them take their pictures and leave."

"So let them." Skylar suggested, already feeling tired. It didn't help that just a few minutes before she had been ready to completely fall asleep, now she was running around town.

"Not when you're with me." Luke answered quickly, out of breath.

Luke spotted an alleyway and yanked Skylar in it, finding an enclosed doorway soon after and pulling her in there too. He held Skylar close to him, wrapping his arms around her waist. Skylar waited a second before trying to speak again, trying to catch her breath.

"What do you mean?" She asked, looking up at Luke. He licked his lips, giving her a sad smile.

Oh, I get it, Skylar thought to herself, Luke doesn't want to be seen with me. He was Luke Hemmings, lead singer of one of the most famous bands in the world, of course he wouldn't want to be photographed having a day out with some random girl from an airport. Skylar understood completely. She was no one, there were plenty of other girls out there that Luke would probably rather have his picture taken with.

"I just don't want you getting hurt." Luke sighed, taking the hood off of Skylar's head. She was glad that he didn't take his sunglasses off of her, because then he would be able to tell that she was about to cry again.

Skylar peaked her head out from the doorway they were standing in just in time to see the big black van with all of the paps in it pass by the alley, which meant that they were safe to come out. She turned back to Luke, who was still looking down at her, a puzzles expression on his face. Skylar didn't understand why he looked so confused, she assumed that he knew what he was doing.

"Can we go now?" She asked quietly.

"We can stay?" Luke said, almost as a question.

"Stay here?" Skylar asked, taking a look around. They were all alone, in a creepy alley where who knows what could go on. Skylar wasn't really interested in hanging out there any longer.

"Why not?" Luke chuckled, squeezing Skylar's waist once, signaling for her to move back. She took a step away from him, allowing Luke to reposition himself so he was in a more comfortable spot.

Although Skylar was a little upset with Luke at the moment, she couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach at the realization that her and Luke had little conversations with each other by just touching one another. All Luke had to do was squeeze Skylar's sides oh bump his shoulder with hers and she knew exactly what he was trying to say.

"It's kind of...gross, here." Skylar sighed.

What she really wanted was to go back to a hotel, lock herself in the bathroom, and stay away from Luke for a little while. She liked Luke and spending time with him, but right now she was just kind of confused, and felt that maybe if she had some time to herself she could think things through and figure out exactly what was happening.

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