4.4 - more tears

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11:59 PM

Luke cried like a little girl while getting his tattoo.

Skylar barely cried at all, she actually laughed most of the time because Luke sat there and told really lame jokes to distract her from the pain. In the very beginning she let a couple tears out, only because she was startled by the small sudden pain in her wrist. She was more anxious than anything, but Luke made things easier. He held her hand and asked her questions and made her look straight at him, not at the needle going into her skin. It only took about 20 minutes for Skylar's tattoo to be completed, and then it was Luke's turn.

Of course Skylar tried to do the same for Luke as he had done for her, because as much as Luke denied it, she could see that he was nervous. His sweaty hand tightly squeezed hers, and his eyes shut tight as the needle came in contact with his skin. He kept begging Skylar to hold his hand tighter, though she wasn't sure that she could.

Skylar could tell that he was trying really hard not to let any tears fall, because that was just Luke, of course he wasn't going to want to cry over something like this, but eventually he let a few slip, and soon he was silently sobbing while the man finished up his tattoo.

She really didn't think that it hurt that much, but Skylar may very well have a higher pain tolerance than Luke did. It was a small and quick tattoo, in a place that shouldn't have hurt that much, but Skylar had no idea how sensitive Luke was. There was a lot of things she didn't know about Luke.

"I'm sorry." Skylar whispered to Luke as the tattoo artist put the finishing touches on his tattoo. Skylar felt bad seeing Luke cry like that, especially over something that she had suggested in the first place.

"It's alright, Sky, it's alright." Luke said again, because Skylar had already apologized once. He pulled his hand away from hers and wiped underneath his eyes, trying to get rid of all the tears.

"How does that look?" The tattoo artist asked, wiping some of the excess ink from Luke's skin with a tissue.

"Um," Luke cleared his throat, turning to look at his wrist with the now finished tattoo. "Can you - "

Luke turned and glanced quickly at Skylar, his eyes still red and puffy from all the crying he'd done earlier. He leaned in closer to the guy, mumbling something to him that Skylar couldn't understand. The tattoo artist picked up the needle and grabbed Luke's wrist again, which made him flinch.

"What are you doing?" Skylar asked when Luke turned back to her, his face still showing that he was in some pain.

"He's just touching it up a little." Luke said quietly. He took Skylar's hand in his again, giving it another squeeze.

"Did you like it though? Like, you think it looks good?" Skylar asked hesitantly. She really liked the design for the tattoos, and she hoped that Luke genuinely did as well. She didn't want him to just go along with it because that's what she chose.

The airplane was kind of a special symbol for Skylar, and not just because it's where she met Luke. Of course Luke had a lot to do with the events of that day, but it wasn't all about him. Over the last few hours Skylar had done so many things that she'd never even thought of trying, and that's why she honestly considered this to be one of the best nights of her life. To Skylar, the airplane symbolized that day as a whole, and Skylar knew that it would serve as a reminder for it for the rest of her life.

It would serve as a reminder of Luke, too, but Skylar really hoped that she wouldn't need a reminder of him. She wanted to stay with him.

"Yeah, baby." Luke nodded. "I love it. I love - "

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