Chapter 1 - Arrival

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[Why Don't We, Boomerang]



I have two feelings now. Sad and Happy at the same time. I'm sad because I have to be away from my one and only best friend, Alexa, and also her kids. On the other hand, I also feel happy because I finally got a good job as an interior designer at one of the companies in Paris. But still, I have to live far from them, which makes me so sad. I thought they were just going to give me that position in the company located here. I never thought it would get this far.

Alexa said to me that it's going to be okay, but I know deep in her heart that she is not ready to let me go too. I just hope everything will be just fine and both of us can still meet each other soon.

Now, I'm on the plane and on my way to my new home, Paris. I got bored easily, and the movies are all boring too. So, I just decided to sleep and sleep until the announcement tells us that we're going to land in a few minutes. I love sleeping, but sleeping on a plane is not the best decision.

I heard that we're actually here, and I feel so excited to get off. My back hurt and was numb because I sat too long. I wish I had more money, but I can't afford to buy a first-class flight. I know it will be more comfortable than this. Obviously.

When I got off the plane, I looked around to find the way out. After roaming around, I finally found the door. I walk there, and I feel so nervous because I don't know how to speak French at all. I mean, I know only one word: bonjour.

Oh, shit! I'm doomed now. Then, how am I supposed to tell the driver where I'm going? Thea, you should learn how to speak French while you're on the plane and not sleep all the time. Look now, who's in trouble? Okay, relax, Thea. I know they will understand English too. Of course they will.

I wait for the cab, and then when one stops in front of me, I just get in and put my luggage next to me. I feel so nervous now. Okay, now how should I tell him that I'm going to my new apartment? "où Allez-Vous?" Suddenly he asks me, and I'm speechless and don't know what to say.

Ummm, do you speak English?" I asked the taxi driver carefully. He stays silent for a moment. Did he understand what I just said to him? Oh, gosh, when will I arrive at my condo? Somebody helps me. I shift myself awkwardly, and then the taxi driver finally talks again after a long silence. Not so long, but whatever. "Yes yes. Where to?" Did he just talk English to me? Yes!! Haha. I knew they knew how to communicate in English.

"Thank god. You know how to speak English." I said, and then I told him the address that my new boss sent to me. He nodded his head and then drove off. That's a good thing that my new boss gave me a house, not just for me but for all his employees. At least I didn't have to think about where I should stay, and I didn't have to think about the rent because it was free. It's a good thing that my boss is kind-hearted towards all his employees.

I take a look outside the window, and Paris is pretty. I have never been to Paris, and this is my first time stepping foot here. I take my phone and take a picture of the street. Don't blame me; it's just worth it to take a picture. It's not every day that you can admire this beauty. I believe every single day has its own beauty. Then I lean back and close my eyes. My back hurt so bad because I slept in the wrong position on the plane earlier.

"Miss, we have arrived." I open my eyes and look outside. Wow, this condominium looks like an expensive one. I can't believe I'm staying here. I open the door and get out after paying for the driver. I take my luggage out and then close the door. I just stood in front of this building for a few minutes to mesmerise it. Look at that! I will be living there for free, and that's freaking amazing. Even though the outside looks magnificent, I wonder how it looks on the inside. I bet it will look more elegant.

I think I am standing in front of this building too long because I can feel my waist starting to hurt. So, the best decision is to walk in and go to the receptionist. The faster I walk, the faster I can get to my house, and the faster I can lay down.

Hello, miss, how can we help you?" The receptionist greets me with a decent smile.

"Umm, I work for J. S. Cooperation, and he said that he already has a house for me, and he sent me the address, and here I am," I explain.

"Can I know what your name is?"

"It's Thea Morris," I tell her, and she checks something on the computer.

"Oh yeah, the new Interior Designer at J. S. Cooperation. Here is the key to your new house." She gives me the keys, and I take them happily.

"Umm, can I ask something?" I ask, and the receptionist nods her head. "Do all the employees of that company live here?" I asked curiously.

"Not all, because most of them already have their own house. There's like maybe a few people here, but don't worry, this building is under the company too." I nod my head in understanding, then I thank her before walking to the lift. I hope there's someone I can befriend here.

I walk to my new house and use the key to open the door. "Wow... " All I said I feel like I'm in the hotel room, or I can say I feel like I'm in the suite and not in my own house. It is just breathtaking. It has a huge glass window that shows the city of Paris and also has a balcony. I leave my luggage in the middle of the house, and I take a moment to look around. It has two bedrooms and two bathrooms.

This house is so cosy and comfortable. The decoration is an English Modern concept. I love it. After I'm done wandering around the house, I pull my luggage into my room.

I plop on the bed and just decide to unpack tomorrow after work. Besides, it's already nearly night. I think I'm just going to skip dinner and sleep the entire night.

Sounds good. With that, I close my eyes without even caring about my shoes or my clothes. All I can think about right now is that I want to sleep.

Tomorrow's going to be a long day because it's my first day working as an interior designer.


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Much love from me.

Little munchkins

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