Chapter 31 - Avoid him

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Sorry for the late update. I will update two chapters today.

[Natalie Imbruglia, Torn]


There are only eight more days until my birthday in November. I always wanted to celebrate my birthday, and I thought I could, but no. It seems like it's not going to happen.

Now, I'm waiting for Parrish at our favourite restaurant for lunch. I haven't told him what happened between me and Joseph yet. I've been trying to think that Joseph didn't do it, but still, who loves to see someone that we love being kissed by his ex? Yeah love. I love him, and I love him hard.

Hey, sorry, I'm late. There's something I need to take care of. So did you order the food yet?" Parrish said as soon as he arrived.

"It's fine, and yeah, I already ordered your favourite food." I replied, smiling.

Well, that's good because I'm hungry, like really hungry."

"Me too."

Oh, yeah, before I forget, I want to ask you why you didn't tell me that you and Joseph aren't together anymore." He asks, and I wonder who told him because no one ever knew that me and Joseph were a couple.

"Who told you?"

"Remember the woman we saw when we were in the pantry? Yes, she came the day after that. The day that you didn't come to work last week."

"That woman told you?"

"Not only me, actually; she told everyone in the building, I guess. Why didn't you tell me, girl?"

"I just need to forget about it. Besides, I don't want to burden you by thinking about my problem." I said, and our food was being served. We start to eat it, and he talks again.

You will never be a burden to me. You know what that woman said?"


"She and Joseph are getting married in six months. I can't believe that Joseph cheated on you. How could he?"

Actually, she's his ex, but I don't know what the actual status is now. Also, I told him that I needed space from all this, and he seems to understand." He looked at me with pity eyes. "Don't look at me like that; I'm okay." You said to him:

"I hope things will get better between you two." He said to eat his food. I didn't finish my food because I felt so full, but Parrish took my food and ate until it was finished. He's really a big eater. After we pay for everything, me and Parrish make our way back to the company.

"Parrish, I think I need to take a few days leave." I said as we crossed the road.

"What why?"

"To be honest, I can't focus on my work like I always do. I always think about it and end up crying. I can't live like this."

"Then when do you want to go? Back to Los Angeles?"

"No. I will go to the place where I can release my tension and everything."

"But where?"

"My hometown."

"Didn't you say that you don't have anyone there? Where will you stay? What if you become depressed? What if-"

"I will be okay. Don't worry about me." I said this to him, and he just nodded his head.


"I don't know that, Thea. If you want to ask for a long leave like that, you have to ask Mr. Sanchez. I don't want to make any decision about this." As Mr. Gerald said to me when I asked for two months leave.

"But aren't you his trusted employee? So that will be okay then."

"I'm sorry, but you have to ask Mr. Sanchez." I sigh, but I still want to take two months leave. I really need it.

"Okay then. Thanks for spending some time with me." I said that and left the room. I can't leave just like that because I might get fired. I don't want that to happen because I need money too, no matter what. It looks like I have to face Joseph then. It's okay, Thea; just act like it's nothing. You can do it!

I take a deep breath and exhale it before making my way to his room. I knocked on his door until I heard him say, Come in. I open the door slowly, feeling so nervous to speak to him. "Thea?" He said my name. Oh gosh, why is my heart beating so fast? He just said my name, not kissed me or anything.

"Mr. Sanchez, can I talk to you for a minute?" I act normal even though inside my body is already shaking and all.

"S-sure. Sit." He said that, and I took my seat on the chair in front of him. "So what is it?"

"I need two months leave." That's all I said, and he looked at me with a bit of surprise.

"But why? Look, you don't have to do this. If you can-"

"If you can't give me, fine then. I'll get back to my work then. Sorry to waste your time." I said to stand and walk to the door.

"No wait! You can go if you want. I won't stop you." He said.

"Thank you, Mr. Sanchez." I said to him, Smile.

"But When will you go?" He asks, and his tone sounds like he's sad for letting me go.

"Tomorrow morning, sir. Oh, and about the designs, I already asked Gia to cover up for me a bit. It's okay, right? Besides, she's the interior designer too." I tell him.

"Oh yeah, sure."

With that, I opened the door and left the room. I felt really bad for him. I know I can't do this to him, but I don't know; maybe my ego is just too high. Just as I was walking back to my room, his ex-girlfriend walked past me like I didn't exist. She nearly bumped into me, but lucky for me, I quickly moved aside. She walks to Joseph's room, and I feel my tears sting in my eyes.

I need to leave as soon as possible. Maybe avoiding him for two months will make my emotions normal again.


How's chapter 31?

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Much love from me.

Little munchkins

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