Chapter 26 - Home sweet home (both point of views)

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[Kat Dahlia: I think I'm in love]


After one week, me and Joseph are heading back to Paris. Yup, you heard me right. I'm now in his car, and we're on our way to send me home from the airport. I don't know why he's here when his actual home is in New York. "You know I can go home with a cab. Why do you need to send me this?" I ask him.

"Because I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I know your boyfriend can't even pick you up at the airport." I look at him weirdly. Boyfriend? Who's my boyfriend? Oh Parrish. Hahaha! He still thinks Tag Parrish is my boyfriend. Oh my god, this is so funny. "Why are you laughing? Did I say anything funny?"

Yeah, really funny." I continue to laugh at him.

"What, what is it?"

"The boyfriend part. How can you think that he is my boyfriend, though? I can't believe this." I wipe the tears that are coming out from laughing just now.

"Whatever." He said that, and I looked at him. He has a little pissed expression on his face, but he's still cute and hot. He dropped me off, and without giving me a glance, he drove away. I look at his car as it slowly fades away, then make my way inside the building. When I'm at home, I walk straight to the refrigerator to find some food to eat, but I'm just too lazy to cook now. So I just decided to eat ice cream then. I turn on the television, and my favourite TV show, Teen Wolf, is on. I love the actors and actresses so much. Who doesn't love this TV show? It's so light and legit. I love it. I eat my ice cream and watch Teen Wolf.


After I dropped her off at the condo, I immediately went to the office. Today is Thursday, so everyone might be working like usual. Besides, it's only 2:20 p.m. When I arrive at the company, I give my car keys to the chauffeur and walk inside to talk with a guy named Parrish. I need to know what's going on between him and Thea. I need to find out today; if not, I might not be able to do anything because I will keep thinking about this thing.

"Mr. Sanchez, welcome back. I thought you would start your work tomorrow?" The receptionist greeted me.

"Do you know the guy named Parrish?" I ask her.

"Parrish? No, I don't think so." She answered, and I walked to Gerald's office. I open the door, and he looks up at me from his work.

"Mr. Sanchez." He stood up from his seat.

"I want to ask you something. Do you know a guy named Parrish who works here?" I ask him.

"You mean Mr. Nelson?"

Yeah, I think so. So you know him. Can you tell me which floor he worked on?"

"He's an accountant. So it's in the fifteenth floor."

Okay, thanks, Gerald." With that, I walk to the lift, and when the door opens, I get in and press fifteen. I wait for a moment until the lift's door opens. I walk and ask the receptionist, Can I know where Parrish is?"

Oh, Mr. Sanchez. I know you'll come here to see me." She said this while biting her lips.

"Do you want to get fired?"


"Then tell me where he is!" I yell at her because I'm really tired of every receptionist in this company. I don't know how they got the job.

"You have to take a left, and his room is the second room there." I walk and go the way she said to me. After I'm in front of his room, I open the door and see him doing his work.

When he sees me, his eyes widen in surprise. I close the door and sit in the chair in front of him. "So you must know who I am, right?" He nodded his head. "Tell me everything about you and Thea."

"What do you mean, Mr. Sanchez?"

"Do you guys have relationships?" He laughed, and I looked at him weirdly. Why did I say that he and Thea just end up laughing? "So you are?"

"I knew it!" He said it all of a sudden.

"Knew what?"

"You must like her, right?" He said it to me, and I just kept silent. Okay, Mr. Sanchez, actually, me and Thea are just good friends." We met like two years ago, and that's when we started to close like this. When we went to the fair last week, everyone just assumed we were a couple too. But we're not, and you know what? I'm gay, and I already have my partner. So I think that's the answer you want to know, right?" He explains, and I find myself smiling.


I choose my outfit for sleep after taking a shower. Not a shower, but I almost fell asleep in the bathtub, and when I got out of it, it was already 7 or something. So I wear my comfortable pyjamas, a long-sleeve shirt, and my strawberry pants. It's my favourite pair of pants. When I comb my hair, I hear my door being knocked on. Who's knocking at my door at this time? I walk to the door and open it to see Joseph standing in front of me.

Joseph, what are you?" Before I could finish my sentence, he smashed his lips against mine and kissed me faster. At first, I am surprised, but then I kiss him back. We kiss for a minute, then I break it. He looked at me and smiled. Oh man, stop smiling; you're going to make me weak.

"Let's go in." He invited himself into my house, and I opened the door and sat on the couch with him. "Do you want to skip work and go out with me tomorrow?" He asked me, and I raised my eyebrows.

"Like a date?" I ask, and I feel my heart beating so fast, and I also feel so excited when he asks me that question. What you do to me, Joseph, You make me feel like I can't control my heart anymore. I'm falling for you, no matter how hard I push you away.

"I don't care if you want to think that way, dear." He winked at me.

Nah, I'm just going to think like that's a normal day then."

Well, we'll see about that, dear. By the way, you look so cute in those strawberry pants." I feel my cheeks heat up. I just cleared my throat and looked away. "Did someone blush for my compliment?" He sits next to me, and my heart is beating like crazy now.

No, I'm not. What time do you want to go home? Didn't you feel tired?" I ask him to get out of this awkwardness.

"I am tired, but I never get tired of seeing your face, dear." This man really loves to make me blush and feel like I have no control. "You blush again, dear." His kiss on my cheek makes me blush more.

Okay, okay, I think that's enough. Go home now, Mr. Sanchez." I stand up.

"Why with sudden formality, dear? Why call me that when you can call me whatever you want?"

"That's enough; now you need to go home because you might be so tired, aren't you?" I grab his hands and drag him to the door. "Now with all the honour, will you go home now?"

"I will if you give me a kiss. Like a good night kiss." He said it with a grin.


"Then I'll stay then." He wants to walk to the couch again, but I stop him by holding his face in my hands and kissing him hard on the lips. He smiled in that kiss and kissed me back. Before the kiss gets deeper, I break it and look at him.

"So now you've got your good-night kiss. So you can go home now. Good night, Mr. Sanchez."

"See you tomorrow, dear. I'll come at ten in the morning. Skip, work together's going to be so fun." He said that and walked away.


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Much love from me.

Little munchkins

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