Chapter 34 - Birthday

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[Katy Perry's Birthday]


'Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Thea!
Happy birthday to you!

"Happy birthday, our little angel!" My mom and dad said it in unison.

"You're getting bigger now, honey; that means we're going to call you our big angel." My mom got me a cake on the table and brought it in front of me. "Make a wish and blow the candles." My mom said

"Okay," I said. I close my eyes and put my hands on my chest, then make a wish. After I'm done, I open my eyes and blow out the candles. We clapped our hands, and then my dad hugged me, and then my mom did it too.

"Happy 10th birthday to you. Remember that we always love you. I hope you stay healthy and beautiful, Thea." My mom said to me

"Thea, I hope you have a good life when you're big enough, and remember, don't get a boyfriend until you're 30 because I don't want to lose you too early." My dad said

"Stop that, Simon. Oh! We have a present for you. I almost forgot that." My mom ran inside the kitchen and walked back to the living room with a box that was wrapped in red ribbon. "Look what we've got for you!"

"Wow! What's this?" I ask excitedly when I got the present. I askedn it and sequel in happiness when my parents got me the set of the storybook that I really want. I openedys twith I like this book and now I got it. "Oh my god! Mom dad thank you so muchwanted. eand Dad,y book, you both!"haveran and hugged both of them.

"That's a relief that you like it. Okay, now let's say good bye to the camera and eat the cake."

"Byee!" Three of us said it together.


That's it. The end of the video of my 10th birthday celebration says that my parents did it for me. The tears come down my cheeks when I watch the video. I keep replying to the same video for the fifth time because I always dream that my parents will come to me and surprise me with cakes and presents.

Today is my birthday. I can't believe its been a week since I stay here. Because today isit's birthday, I will gI've beenvisit my parents. I miss them so so much. Do you ever feel the feeling that you want to hug someone but you can't, you want to kiss someone but you can't, and you want to spend the most quality time with someone but you can't?

I'm wearing the black dress that stops at my knees. I put my hair into a neat bun and wear a bit of makeup, but not too much, just light makeup. Then, I wear my black pumps. I take a look at myself in the mirror, and when I'm satisfied with my look, I smile, then take a breath before leaving the house.

I call a cab to pick me up because it's quite far if I walk. The cab came a moment later, and when I was in the car, I told the driver to bring me to the flower shop.

After a few minutes, the driver stops at the flower shop. Ummm, can you please wait here for a bit? I promise it won't be long." I said, and the driver nodded his head. I get out of the car and quickly walk into the flower shop to get white roses. I pay for it and walk back to the car.

The driver dropped me off at the place where my parents are. I pay him and get out of it. Before I walk into that cemetery, I take a very deep breath because I don't want to cry in there.

When I walk in, I can see a few people who also visit theirs. I searched for my parents because I actually kind of forgot where they were. After a moment of walking around it, I finally see my parents grave.

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