Chapter 19 - Back to normal

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Shaggy: It wasn't me.


The fact that Joseph and I kissed yesterday seems so unreal to me. My mind still can't stop thinking about that. My mind keeps repeating that scenario. I have to stop all this, or else I might get hurt.

Stop it!

I get out of bed and go take a shower. I let the cold water hit my naked body. I really need it now. I shampoo my hair, and I also soap my body. I scrub it and just stay a bit longer in the bathroom until my fingers look like granny's fingers. I turn off the water and wipe my body with a towel. I also take the small towel to wrap my wet hair.

After that, I walk out of the bathroom and choose my clothes for today. Today, I feel like I want to wear a dress. So, I pick a grey dress that stops until my knees and is also a long-sleeve dress. This dress is not too tight; it's just an ordinary dress that is still appropriate to wear to work.

Then, I use a hair dryer to dry my long hair. It takes about ten minutes to finish doing my hair. I put some makeup on my face after I felt myself ready. I take a look at myself in the mirror, and after I feel okay, I grab my handbag before leaving my room.

I'm now at the small cafe across the street, having my breakfast before getting to the office. After a few minutes, I finally finished my little breakfast. When I walk out of the cafe, I see Parrish walking in front of me. "Parrish!" I call him, and that makes him turn around to look at me.

"Omg Thea! I miss you, girl." He hugged me, and I hugged him back.

"You looked happy until you didn't notice me in the first place."

Sorry, gal, but yeah, I'm happy. Really happy." He said to me, Walk together.

"What happened?"

Well, when I brought my partner to meet my parents, I thought they didn't approve it, but I'm wrong. They just approved it. That's the reason I'm happy."

"I'm happy for both of you. Looks like after this, you will spend more time with your partner, huh?"

Awe, don't worry, gal, I will make sure you don't feel left out. Don't worry."

Oh, by the way, what's his name? You never tell me his name."

"Its Liam." I nodded my head.

Well, see you at lunch then. Bye Parrish." I bid goodbye when the lift stopped on his floor.

I get out of the lift after it arrives at my floor. I just walk straight to my office and start doing my work. Just then, someone knocks on my door. "Come in," I said, and the door opened. "Oh, Mr. Gerald. Good morning. " I smiled at him.

"Good morning to you too, Ms. Morris. Well, I just want to say that I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"The day I called you and told you that there was an important meeting."

"Oh that. Nah, it is fine. It's not your fault after all. That's all Mr. Sanchez's idea." I said to him:

"I'm glad then. I don't want to know what you did to him yesterday, but I just hope you still had a good day yesterday. Okay, I'm going to be in my office now." I nod, and he closes the door.

Yeah, I had a good day yesterday, really, but it's all just staying as memories, good memories, because I bet today he's going to forget it all and just act like normal.



"It's been a while since we last went out for lunch together," Parrish said. As we eat our food in front of us.

"I know right."

"You didn't even tell me that you were going to Los Angeles. How could you?"

"It's short notice. Besides, I got tricked by Mr. Sanchez yesterday. I was supposed to be back here today, but because of him, I arrived yesterday."

"Tricked? Who? Mr. Sanchez? What did he do to my sister? Tell me.."

"He asked Mr. Gerald to call me when I'm in LA to say that we have an important meeting and I need to be there. Then, when I arrived at the airport, Mr. Sanchez came to me and said that there was no meeting at all. Then he forces me to go with him around Paris. It is fun, actually, but still, I'm exhausted as a goat." I explain to him, and he just looks at me quietly. "Are you okay?"

"OMG!!!" My eyes widen when he suddenly shouts like that.

"Shhhhh... " I put my hand to his mouth and looked around to see people in that cafe start to look at us weirdly.

Okay, okay, I'm sorry. It's just that I can't believe you went out on a date with him. I've been waiting for this time to come since last year." He answers happily.


"You know, the first time I saw you guys together, I already knew that both of you might end up together, but I didn't know it would be this fast. So tell me what happened. Did you two kiss?" I look at him in disbelief. "Hey girl, tell me. Don't look at me like that. Did you two kiss, hmmm?"

I take a breath and tell him. "Yeah, we were, BUT don't tell anyone about it. Or else I will cut your head down." I threatened him. He nodded his head.

"That's mean you two now... A thing?"

"What thing?"


"Ew, no way... Didn't you see all the articles about him? He literally went out with so many women, and maybe he just made me one of his collection. Who knows."

No, I don't think so. I know he likes you, and I also know that you like him too, but both of you are too chicken to express your feelings towards each other, especially you, Thea. I know you're scared that you might get hurt, but that's what makes us strong and mature. So think wisely and don't make any wrong decisions that you're going to regret. Remember."

"Wow, is this the Parrish I know? What are you doing now? A love counsellor?"

"Well, I can be one, but only for you. Girl, I want you to be happy." I smile and continue to eat my food.

Well, I think what Parrish said is all true, but if he likes me, why would he show it to me or maybe give me a sign? Like today, he just acts like normal. Like nothing happened between us.

I guess I have to act normal too.


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Much love from me.

Little munchkins

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