Chapter 12 - Argument

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[Camila Cabello: Real Friends]


"Parrish, do you have to go back to your parent's house that long?" I asked him while we had our lunch together.

"It's been like two years since I last visited them. Besides, it's only for one month, not one year, Thea. Oh, and I'm going to bring my partner. I'm so nervous about it." He said this while I took a bite of my burger.

"Oh my god, you already have one, but you never told me. How Could you?" I faked pouting.

"Me and him have just been together for like five days. We met at the club." I smiled at him.

"So that means you guys are so serious, right? Because you're going to bring him to meet your family." He nodded his head. "I'm so happy to know that you finally found your happiness," I add.

"There's a lot of men who have hit on you for the past five months, but what did you do?" You rejected all of it. Even without giving them a chance to get to know you. Live a bit, girl."

"I need to focus on my work, Parrish. I don't want to be in any relationships yet. I'm just not ready for it." I said. Well, I actually want to have someone special too, but I just don't find anyone suitable here.

Yeah, yeah, just stay like this until you're old. Just focus on your work and don't think about relationships at all."

No, That's not what I meant. You know, guy here, not here, but most of the guys just want to have fun, and then after they get bored, they just leave the girl alone and leave them heartbroken."

"I understand, but no matter what, just remember that I really ship you and Mr. Sanchez. Don't you think that both of you look so cute together?" I look at him in disbelief and smack his hand.

"That man is the biggest player I've ever met, and you ship me with him? Oh please, Parrish." He laughs, and we continue to eat our burger. "Looks like I'm going to go and buy groceries alone then," I said.

Awe, sweetheart, you make me feel bad for leaving you."

"You should.." I smiled at him.

Nah, it's not working, sweetheart; I'm going back tonight no matter what." He winks at me. I chuckle.


When I'm in my room doing my work, the phone on my desk rings. I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Come to my office now!" And the call ended. What is happening?

I take my phone and walk out to go to his room. I feel so nervous and scared because this is the first time he has been this mad. Did something happen? I walk faster to his room and then knock on his door. I heard 'come in' and then opened the door slowly. When I am already in, I close the door, and the atmosphere in this room is so tense. I walk and stop when I'm in front of his desk. Oh gosh, I don't like this. "Yes, Mr. Sanchez?" I ask in a low tone, making sure that he can hear me. He stood up, and then what he did next shocked me.

He throws all the papers on his desk in my face. My mouth opens in shock, and then when I look at it, it's all my design that I gave him like two days ago. I don't know what to do, so I just stand there and look at the scattered papers on the floor. "What's all this?!" I startled.

"T-the designs?" I reply, but it turns out to be like a question. That's the most brilliant answer, Thea. Good job.

"You call this rubbish design?" What were you thinking?" It seems like he's really in a bad mood.

"I—" he cut me off.

You're busy with your stupid boyfriend until you can't focus on work?" Boyfriend? Since whe-... Oh, he must have seen that I was always with Parrish and assumed him to be my boyfriend. But what's wrong with that? Why would he care? "Answer me!" He shouted.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sanchez. I'll redo it again if you want me too." I said to him:

"I want it to be done before tomorrow morning. And I don't care if you have a fucking date with your stupid boyfriend or anything; just make sure that rubbish is more acceptable." Okay, I'm done with all this!

"Excuse me, Mr. Sanchez, if you're mad because of this design that I made, I'm okay with it, but don't ever call Parrish like that!" I burst out. "For the past months, I've been so patient with you and with all your fucking attitude. All the designs I made you always rejected. Do you think I'm a machine or what? I have a life, too. If you think that I'm not capable of doing what you want, why not choose another person to do all this? Ughhh! " I stomped my feet and got out of his room.

I take my handbag and my phone, then walk out of the room and make my way to the lift. I'm really mad at him.

First, because he throws those papers in my face.

Second, because he called Parrish stupid.

I really hate it when people call my friends. Like that. I make my way out of the building and just follow my feet wherever they take me. After a few minutes of walking, I end up at the cliff. I'm never been at this place before but it shows a really breathtaking view of the city. I stand there—I don't know for how long—but now it's already dark. I look at my watch and gasp when it's near 10 p.m. Why didn't I feel anything? I've been standing here for more than four hours. That's impressive.

Now, I'm on my way to go home, but the problem is, which way should I go? I don't remember, and now I'm freaked out. I take a deep breath and just follow my senses. The streets seem familiar, but I don't usually stroll around because I mostly just stay at home and watch movies. That's what I always did. Maybe I picked the right way because I know this street. I smile at myself because at least I'm not going to get lost and stay up all night trying to find my way home. I walked and walked until I saw the supermarket that I and Parrish always go to. So that means I just need to walk about ten minutes more to arrive home.

Just then, I saw the car stop not too far from me. Okay, now this is not even funny. I walk a bit faster, but the car just follows me. What the hell?

"Thea! Thea!" I look aside and see Joseph in that car. I groan and just ignore him, but he just follows me with his car. "Thea stop!" He said, But I just keep walking. Then I see he has already stopped his car and probably feels useless following me. Then someone turns me around. My eyes widen when I see Joseph in front of me. "I told you to stop, right?" He said.

"Let me go. What are you doing?" I wriggle from his embrace, but he doesn't budge. "What do you want from me?" I ask him.


"You what?"

"I want to apologise to you. I know I shouldn't be that strict with you. I don't know what got into me earlier. Sorry." His voice came out like a whisper when he said sorry.

"Fine. I'll follow you, but now let me go because I'm tired. I need to rest so that I can think of a new design for you." I said to him,

"Where did you go earlier? You know I'm so worried about you? I searched for you, but I couldn't find you. Where did you go?" I look at him weirdly.

"Why do you care? Now let me go and just go home." He let me go, and then I just walked away from him to go home.

What is wrong with him? Why does he need to be worried about me, and why does he also need to search for me? I'm not anyone from his life anyway. I don't understand him and never will because there's a time he's okay and the other time he's just being so... I don't know what it is.

Why do I feel my heart go weird when he holds me like that? I feel so safe and secure in his arms. Did I like him? No, no, no. Thea, he's the player. Who knows, he just wants to sleep with you and then dump you the next day like he always did to other women?


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Much love from me.

Little munchkins

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