Chapter 10 - Brothers ( Joseph point of view )

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[HRVY: High]


Now I'm back in New York, and I'm getting ready to meet my best friend, Elijah. I looked at the time and decided to disturb him when he does his work. Well, isn't that what a best friend is supposed to do? Make their best friend pissed. I wear my suit, comb my hair perfectly, and spray some cologne. After that, I wear my watch until I'm completely done. I took a look at myself for the last time before leaving the room.

I take my car keys off the table and grab my phone and wallet. I open the door and go out to walk to my car. I get into the car and drive away to go and disturb Elijah at his company.

After I arrive, I give my keys to the chauffeur and then walk inside the building. As usual, the women there were just swooning over me. I just smirk at them and walk to the lift. That's a good thing that the lift opened after a few seconds. I get in, and then there's one guy who gets in with me too. He didn't press the floor where he wanted to go. "What floor?" I ask.
"Same as you, sir." He answers, and then I look at him. He just wears a black jacket and looks like he doesn't work here.

"You want to meet Elijah?" He nodded his head. I look at the file that he holds in his hands.

"What's that?" I point at the file.

"Mr. Perkins, just ask me to give it to him."

"Give it to me. I can give it to him because I want to see him too." He thinks for a few seconds before handing the file to me. "Don't worry, I'm Elijah's most trusted person. He won't be mad at you for giving this file to me." I said to him, Walk out after the door opens.

I stop at the receptionist's counter and open the file. I'm not a nosy person, but this file looks suspicious. "Do you need anything, Mr. Sanchez?" The receptionist asks me, looking at me with a seductive look.

"Just be quiet and do your work." I said, Open the file. Who is this? Kids? Why does he need these kids photos? And Alexa?

I put the photos back into the file, walked to his office, and opened the door without knocking. "What's that?" He asks me I close the door and sit on the chair in front of him.

"I'm the one who should ask you that question." I threw that file in front of him and looked at him. He looks at me weirdly, and he opens that file. Then he stops for a few seconds because it seems like he knows what it is. He immediately closed it and put it aside.

"Well?" I ask while leaning my back against the chair and looking at Elijah. He sighed and then told me.

"I met her yesterday, but it seemed like she didn't notice me. So I paid an investigator to find out more about her. Well, that's really her. And you know what? I will make her mine again." I scoffed and looked at him in disbelief.

"Woah, dude, she's not a doll that you easily want to make yours again. She has a feeling. Also, Didn't you said three years ago 'I want to enjoy my life, Joseph and I think what I did was the right thing'... Ha! I still remsayred it all toago,ell." I said that and then smirkedJoseph,m.

"That was three years ago. Now that I'm already 26, I think I'm ready to be with her again. Don't you think so?" I took a deep breath and just shrugged.

I look at him as he opens the file. "These kids." He said this while looking at the photos.

"What?" He gives me the photos, and I look at him, confused. "I already opened that file before I came in earlier, but who are these kids?" I ask him.

"Those are my kids. I.. I met them like four days ago, and I bought them ice cream. I didn't notice that their faces were the same as mine, or maybe one of them. They're twins. I didn't even ask their name. Gosh." He said.

"What! Your kids? That means my niece and nephew. Oh my god, brother, congrats." I said that and smiled at him. Yeah, that boy looks like you, but the girl only has the same eyes as you but still looks the same. You're so dumb. Why didn't you notice them?" I said to him, and he just shook his head.

"No matter what, I'll find them and be a happy family with them." That's what he said. "By the way, what are you doing here? Don't you have work to do?" He adds.

Well, I'm here in the first place just to disturb you. Got bored. It's nothing wrong to come here, right, brother?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"What about your new project in Paris?" He asks me

"So far, good. I just think I'm going to spend more time there. I need to keep an eye on someone." I reply.


"Secret brother. Okay, I need to go now. See you later. I have a meeting in an hour." I said that and walked to the door. "Don't miss me, alright, brother." I winked at him playfully.

"Ew! What's that for? You're so gross." He said it, and I laughed.

"Isn't that what my brother did?"

"No! Get out, so I can do my work peacefully."

"Bye big bro." I said that and left the room. I walk to the lift, and when I'm in, I press L.


"Yes sir?"

"Did Thea come to work today?" I asked my trusted person there.

Yes, she is, sir. Why?"

"What did she wear?" I ask him.

"She just wears black leggings and a light blue blouse, sir." He answers, and I smile.

Alright, thank you, Gerald." I said, End the call. That's a good thing that she doesn't wear that kind of dress anymore. To be honest, I love to see her in that dress, but I just don't like how men out there look at her. I felt weird when they did that. It's like I feel... I don't know what I feel. I've never liked this about other women before. That's weird.


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Much love from me.

Little munchkins

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