Sneaking Out.

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Gwen stays true to her word about rescuing me and as the house goes quiet with everyone in bed, her message comes through. I dress quickly and in many well practiced moves manage to get outside the house. Waiting the mandatory thirty seconds, no lights and no movement come from inside and sneaking down low along the fence line I'm two houses down and in the clear. Gwen's car is waiting on the corner and I slip inside while holding my breath.

"Why are we sneaking out of our houses like sixteen year olds?" She asks, shaking her head at the ridiculousness of it all.

"I know right. Do you think everyone has it this bad or just us?"

She snorts. "Totally just us. I'd love human parents with no super hearing or the nose of a blood hound."

"Well technically you also have the nose of a bloodhound."

"What ever."

We end up at a bar that's safely on the other side of our hometown. Few shifters come here at the best of times and it's always been one of our favourite hideouts. The carpark isn't very full, not that we expected it to be at this time of the night on a Thursday. Luckily Thursday was open band night and closing time would be whenever everyone left.

"Well you two are a sight for sore eyes!" Charlie the old bartender greeted as he wiped down the bar. There was something strange about him but neither of us had ever worked out what and he would just laugh if we asked. "What will it be?"

"It's our first night back in town, how about a couple of shots of your finest tequila to celebrate?" Gwen smiled at the giant figure and his rough features softened as he shook his head.

"You never change." He did as we asked and dismissed us as we went to pay. "First round is on the house."

"Thanks Charlie!" I quickly take my shot and Gwen gags as she has hers.

"Ok, no more for me. I gotta drive later." She declares.

"I'll take another though." We order a couple of drinks and head to the back, where she starts to tell me about what's been going on in her life. I would share about mine, but nothing ever happens.

"Oh shit. Look who just walked in, no don't, he might see us!" Gwen ducks down low and hides behind the empty glasses on our table. Not that it can be counted as hiding since you can still her.

Casually I glance over my shoulder, and really wasn't expecting Anders to be heading over to the bar. Where was his little witch?

Not that I cared.

"Why is he here?"

"I have no idea!" Gwen answers making me realise I had asked out loud.

Charlie seems to know him, which shouldn't be surprising since Charlie knows everyone and I don't think that's even an exaggeration. Yet it does surprise me. This our home town, how did he know our favourite bartender and why did they shake hands and act like long lost friends. Charlie rarely did that with supernaturals. We had seem him scare away vampires, make wolves whimper and the things that gave off a supernatural vibe that we didn't know about steered clear of him, never staying around for long. Mr Anders just got a lot more interesting.

"Don't." Gwen warned.

Did I just say something out loud again?

"What?" I ask innocently, finishing off my drink. "Another drink?"

"No I'm good. Sam, don't."

"I'm just going to order another drink." It sounds sincere enough even I almost belive it.

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