Little Hybrid.

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My moment of relief at seeing Brianna and her sisters appear was short lived and they still seemed to be fighting something I couldn't see. One of the bad witches had gone, but how many  were around was beyond me. It was foolish to think she had been the main issue, and it also occurred to me that apart from a couple of guards earlier that Aiden had taken care of, neither David or Antonino had any more backup. Was the old vampire really such a threat he didn't need it or were others in the shadows waiting for their chance to attack?

None of that mattered as I started to run, Aiden's yelp making me feel cold with fear. He would be fine. We both were going to be fine only as Antonino seemed to toss around the wolf like a child with a soft toy, I wasn't sure we were. Brianna called something out, but she was too far away for me to hear her properly and as Aiden was kicked again - sending him flying limply across the ground, something in me snapped.

"No!" I roared only the words never left my mouth.

My legs suddenly felt weak and before I could dodge the rubble from a destroyed gravesite, I tripped and fell. I had to get to Aiden, and as my hands dug into the dirt I struggled to hold as everything seemed to tremble as though were now in the middle of an earthquake. A rush of wind blew past  me as I willed myself to stand only someone must have hit me, or I hit my head on something as I fell, as a shooting pain ran from my temples, down into my neck and along my spine. 

Then it all stopped and standing, everything felt different. I couldn't work it out at first, my nose twitched and I sneezed. A shiver ran down my back, making me shake it off and that was when I froze. I wasn't standing as I expected. No this was something completely new.

"Sam!" Brianna called again, much closer this time. "You're okay. You just need-"

Looking around everything suddenly hit me and stepping back, I half sat, half fell. Then I whined.

"Worst, timing, ever." Brianna mumbled as she held her hands submissively. "Sam, it's me. Brianna. I'm your friend, remember. We need to get you out of here okay? Just stay calm and-"


I had to help Aiden.

My new body took over. It knew what to do and where to go and I let it. Any time I even thought of something it ended with us tripping, and needing to refocus on what was happening. Brianna kept shouting, distracting me more than helping and when I finally saw Aiden again, the wolf was gone and the human in its place wasn't moving. There was no stopping me as I went to his side, falling against him I poked him with a new, wet nose; whining and pawing at him as gently as I could manage before licking his face. I needed a response. I needed him to tell me he was okay. Tonight wasn't goodbye, he promised. 

"Well this is disappointing." Antonino's words reminded me he was even there and in an instant I stood over Aiden's body. "All this, and you turn out to be an even greater disappointment than your father."

All I wanted to do was be with Aiden. My teeth bared on their own accord as growls shook my body. The cool and calm demeanour the vampire usually had was gone. He looked as wrecked as Aiden and as he came closer, too close, my body once more reacted on it's own and lunged at him. Taking out the threat was our only option.

Of course the second he dodged my new teeth, I was trapped. The attack obvious and not thought out at all. His arm was up under my neck, my struggles futile as his hold only tightened. The earth trembled again and gasping for air, Antonino laughed.

"Weak little hybrid." He taunted in my ear.

"Go to. Hell." I managed to gasp, my throat was tight and to say anymore was impossible.

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