An Offer.

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Waking up the following morning, it may have actually turned out to be closer to noon. No one was home and after making a coffee, I found the note Mum had left on the fridge about going back to oh so wonderful alpha's house. Well it would have been nice to have been invited, though I was thankful I hadn't been and it was strange Dad let me sleep in. After a shower and checking my phone for any news from Gwen - which there wasn't, I got comfortable on the sofa and found something to watch on TV.

It wasn't too long until Luke came home and flopping down beside me, he seemed more interested in his phone than the Hallmark romance I had found.

"So, what's everyone doing today?" I ask him.

"Apparently some unknown wolves turned up last night." He mumbles, not looking at me.

"Oh really?" So maybe I wasn't going to be in trouble then.

"Yeah.The alpha's weren't too impressed with the timing of their visit with everything that's been going on. They've since asked to stay, but the pack is discussing it. You know how it goes."

That I did.The big decider would be if they chose to join the pack or simply remain within the region. It would make sense for Nathan and Kate to demand them to join, pledge their loyalty to them and all that nonsense. Yet was it a coincidence they turned up now? Wolves were being hunted, more members could make our alpha's feel better as there is strength in numbers or would it make them wary as who knew why they chose us to come to?

I was thinking way too much about it, I really didn't care and forgetting the whole fiasco was just thankful Gwen and I got away with going out. Luke and I don't talk much after that. He seems super preoccupied doing whatever he is doing and I was starting to wish I lived in Middleton.

"What are you even watching?" He finally asks after catching the end of the movie.

"The Good Witch. There is like twenty of these movies to watch." I lie. I think there is ten and I don't think I could actually get through all of them.

"Well I am done. I can't deal with this anymore. Wanna come with to Gwen's? Mum just messaged me. Dinner will be there again."

"Christmas special up next, don't think I could miss that."

"Yeah I'm calling bullshit. Since when do you watch movies like this?" He challenges.

"I'll have you know I happen to love movies like this."

"Whatever. Mum said you have to come too." He grins and I wonder when he turned into such an asshole.

"No she didn't."

"Yes she did."

"No she didn't, now ssh. It's about to start." I finish, grabbing the remote to turn up the volume.

Instead I'm being thrown over his shoulder and dumped at the bottom of the stairs.

"She said after last night, you will be where she can keep an eye on you." Holding up his phone, her message says something along those lines but with a couple of angry face emoji thrown in.

"Fine." Guess I wasn't off the hook completely then.

When we get there it's hard not to get a sense of deja vu as it's pretty much exactly the same as last night. The barbeque is fired up where they'll undoubtedly overcook the meat again, the adults are on the desk and the so called kids are down below. Without really thinking about it I look for Aiden and don't see him in the crowd, but I do see his witch.

"Hey!" Gwen comes running over as she see's us and grabbing my arm, leads me away from everyone else. Not that they care as my brother is already looking for food and no one gives me so much as a second look. "So guess who was asking where you were before?"

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