What Now?

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By the time the cab stops in front of my house, I am still completely lost as to what I'm supposed to do now. What had started as something to deal with later, had completely taken over and as I stood at the end of the path up to the front door, I had even less of an idea of what would happen next.

Brianna answered that question by opening the door and the next few moments happened in a blur of her calling my name, Gwen rushing out and then Aiden holding me. Questions were being thrown around constantly from the small group that now surrounded me and I just felt numb to it all until Aiden's hands cupped my face, forcing me to look up at him.

"Are you okay?" His eyes searched mine and I had no idea what he would find.

"No." I answered truthfully.

His hands dropped to my shoulders, rubbing my arms as he looked me over.

"Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine, I just-"

I just what?

I just don't know who to believe anymore?

I just don't know who I am?

I just want to rewind these last few months, back to when everything was simple?

"Come inside. Its freezing out here." Gwen takes charge, managing to slip between Aidens arms as she guides me inside.

The growl is unmissable and yet she doesn't falter, not looking at him or Brianna as she keeps her arms around my shoulders as we go inside. I'm actually impressed with how in control she is right now. For the most part she was all talk, and hardly following in her parents footsteps; most of her courage - like mine, came from having my brothers around to back us up. They weren't here now and so my next guess was she felt more comfortable around Aiden or she was just too worried to care.

"Was it him that took you?" She asks as she head into the living room.


"How did you escape?" Brianna lingers behind the sofa as Gwen sits me down.

"I didn't. He let me go." I tell them as Aiden is quick to replace Gwen beside me.

"He let you go?" He frowns, yet as he takes my hand I can't stop myself from pulling it away. "Sam-"

Unable to sit, I stand up moving to the centre of the room as it suddenly feels way too crowded in here.

"Are you guys okay?" I finally ask, hating the silence as they all just watch me.

"Yeah, we're fine. It was a mild sleeping spell." Gwen answers frowning. "Why would he take you, just to let you go?"

"He wanted to talk and didn't think we could with everyone around." I look at Aiden and he stares back unblinking.

"Talk about what?"

"Everything." I sigh, throwing my hands up to cover my face. "I don't know what's real anymore. Gods!"

"Whatever he said-" Aiden starts only I hold my hand up to stop him.

"How can I believe you? I hardly know you! Or you!" I turn to Brianna. "Things he said about, about all of it, somehow makes sense you know. And it shouldn't and I hate that he has me even thinking about stuff, but why did you two really come? Were packs really offering you more money than ours? What do you actually owe them Aiden, to be their little working dog or is it that they own you? And what-"

I'm ranting and I'm pretty sure the near hysterical, screaming, crazy person I'm hearing is actually me yet before I can go on, Aiden is once again in front of me and taking my hands in his, I shut up.

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