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The news of more shifter deaths had everyone tense. This time it was a small family pack outside of Boston and none of the twelve remained. It was sad, sure we didn't know them and for something of this scale to occur it was tragic no matter the species. This one also didn't get to stay out of the news so the whole country new about it and no matter the channel you turned on, someone was doing a report of repeated facts and a slideshow of images of the town they were from as well as the blocked off crime scene.

Of course Nathan called us in again, but I didn't see the point. It wasn't fixing anything. It wasn't preventing deaths from occurring. All we seemed to be doing was keeping our heads down and praying nothing happened to us.

"So what is happening exactly? All of us gathered here like this, are we safer in larger numbers or just putting a bigger target on our backs?" I ask, surprised at the murmur of voices that followed actually agreeing with me. "It's been close to four weeks now and-"

Dad groaned a couple of seats up and Mum patted his knee to try and calm him down.

"And the killer has yet to be identified or stopped." Nathan answered, looking over the crowd in front of him.

"Obviously." I interrupt.

"We are pack. We are safer together. If a threat arises we will be ready."

"How? I mean, have I missed the in case of emergency newsletter that was sent out? If an attack happens here, what are we to do?"

He isn't happy I'm asking these questions, but what worries me is he doesn't seem to have an answer for them.

"I have placed a protection spell over this region. Any supernaturals that come in not of pack will be alerted to me. Aiden with some of Nathan's chosen will investigate as was the case with our new arrivals." Brianna steps up, her words seeming to reassure everyone as they all nod and happily whisper about how great it was to have magic on our side.

"And if they attack?" I ask. "A few shifters are going to take down someone or something that has killed how many of us now?"

"I will be there too. This pack and those granted its protection have nothing to fear." She smiles rather sweetly at me and I wonder what kind of magic she possesses.

Everyone is happy. Our might leaders have a powerful witch watching over us. We are safe. We have nothing to fear. The meeting is over.

"Stop drawing attention to yourself like that!" Dad whispers as everyone starts to head home. Of course we get the privilege of staying that little bit longer so Dad and Nathan can do whatever it is they do while Mum helps Kate clean up.

My brothers are nowhere to be seen either and since it's only eight o'clock I have a couple of hours to kill before meeting up with him. If I go that it is. Seeing Gwen I keep an eye on her as I'm determined to work out why she is giving me the silent treatment.

"I had to ask. I can't believe you didn't." I tell Dad.

"I don't have to. I trust our alpha's and all that has been put in place. You'd understand that too if you weren't..." He paused, frowning slightly as he seems to regret that.

"What Dad? If I wasn't what?"

"Nevermind." He mumbles, and heads up onto the deck where Nathan was waiting.

"Hey." I stop by Gwen and she smiles before hugging me.

"I'm sorry!"

"For what?" I can't be bothered with another argument right now. "Don't even worry about it.'

"I figured the less I saw you the better with everyone and everything going on around here." She sighed. "Plus Dad lost his shit when I got home from the pub and you know my Dad."

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