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If I thought the drive to the bar was quiet, this was deafening in comparison. I had so many questions yet my mouth remained shut. There was no sneaky sideward glances on my behalf as this time I was the one who simply stared straight ahead, my skin prickling every time he very obviously turned my way. It was like every part of me decided it wanted to turn off and rubbing my eyes, I had to wake up.

"So, what are you exactly?" I finally asked.

"Did you want to wait until we're-"

"No. I want some answers now." It then occurred to me I should probably be some kind of nice or at least polite. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into. "Please."

"Well, technically you could say I'm a hybrid. My mother was a vampire and my father a shifter." He pauses for a second, coughing slightly to clear his throat. "Was that the first time you've come across vampires?"

"That I know of. I mean, we're told other things exist and I know a little of what's out there, but I guess I've been pretty sheltered. It's not like the pack throws get to know you barbeques for the supernatural neighbours or they've incorporated lessons on mythical creatures into the school curriculum."

Aiden almost looks amused at that and I'm glad he finding something about all of this funny.

"What I do know of vampires is they don't reproduce. That's why they can turn normal people into what they are, except for other beings because they don't like the blood. How are you possible?" I ask not hiding my curiosity now.

"She was attacked and turned when pregnant with me. I survived, but it also changed me. As I had shifter blood already, the coven believe my body simply adapted to the changes. Since those genes are the dominant ones, I am essentially wolf but there are some vampire traits"

"Do you have to feed on blood too?" I instantly felt queasy just asking the question.


"Just answer me."

"Yes. I get sick if I don't. The wolf side drains me of everything. You'd know how much shifters need to eat to keep themselves going, and for me it's worse." He sounds ashamed of that and I can't stop myself from pitying him.

"You weren't kidding when you said that you bite were you?"

This makes him smile. Only for a tiny second, but he did smile. "No I wasn't."

I'm not sure what to say now. A hybrid. Of all the bad choices I had made in my life I literally found a unicorn, a rather deadly unicorn, to want to get warm and cozy with. None of my feelings had really changed which was stupid on my behalf especially since his very clear, not interested message earlier. But now I know Aiden's secret. Would it change anything?

"Thanks for ah, helping out back there with fangs and co." I tell him after a few minutes.

"Don't mention it."

"I promise I won't tell anyone about you either. Does, um, anyone else know?" It comes out sounding way more noisy than I intended.

"No one here knows except for Brianna. It was one of the things the coven have helped me with." He gives me nothing, again. "It has to stay that way."


It wasn't as though I planned on telling anyone anyway, but this time when our eyes meet I can't help but shiver at the silent warning sent my way. He flexes his fingers, finally releasing them from the tight grip he had on the steering wheel and the crack of his bones makes my stomach sink. A tiny niggle of worry hits then.

Surely he meant only I could know and that was his way of telling me to keep my mouth shut. Instead my mind drifts off on it's only little idea that perhaps my luck may have run out and he intends for me to keep as quiet as those vampires - only more permanent since a vampire will come back from a broken neck. I won't.

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