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Gwen sat beside me at the kitchen counter as Mum pulled out the third tray of gingerbread men from the oven. Our job was to decorate, though I think I have nearly eaten the bowl of chocolate drops that were supposed to be their eyes and half a tray of biscuits.

"Sam, I have never seen you have an appetite like this before. While I'm thrilled, I also want you to stop!" Mum scolded for  the second time.

"It wasn't me." I lie, pointing at Gwen.

"Please, I have eaten nearly a whole turkey for lunch today. There is no way more food is fitting in my gut."

"You ate a turkey?"

"We had a big run yesterday and this morning. Fresh snow makes our wolves go crazy." She shrugs.

"Of course it does." Though at the thought of turkey, I looked at the fridge and wondered what Mum had hidden in there.

It was as though she could read my thoughts. "Did you want me to make you something up Sammy?"

"No. I'm fine with these." I tell her, snatching another cookie.

"Your mum has a point, since when do you eat so much?" Gwen questioned.

"Since about a week and half ago. I've just been, hungry. Like starving. It's hell. Do you know how much I have been spending on food lately?"

Both of them exchanged a look.

"How else have you been feeling?" Mum questions, a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Sick because I eat too much." I leave out the rest, my Aiden thoughts are not anyone's business. I even wish they weren't mine, and I frown at the subtle way Gwen tries to sniff my arm. "Did you just, oh no. Don't get ahead of yourself Mum."

I know what they're thinking now. The change is finally happening for me, but I doubt it. I'm blaming the cold. Animals eat a lot to stock up for winter and I just started late, that's all it is.

"You did ask me about what I thought of you trying to fix yourself. Did you do something?" She asks casually.

"Not having to eat a turkey because of my crazy metabolism after running around on four legs all day is a blessing."

Gwen growls. "You make it sound horrible sometimes. What does she mean though, fix yourself?"

"Brie offered to do something that mix mean I could be one of you after all. It's nothing. I told her no." A few times actually.

"You two seem to have become friends. Anything else been going on while you've been away?" She looks at my mum who shrugs, and they both stop what they're doing to look at me.

Well I had a few options now. Lie, lie and lie some more or tell them the truth. It was almost tempting just to see their reactions. Oh well there was this whole attraction thing with Mr. Hot & Cold who would you believe is a hybrid and does the witches dirty work. I also got drunk with that witch where we bonded over wine and The Notebook, as well as getting attacked by a vampire, helping them work out who is behind all the murders as well as kind of befriending that murderer. I'm sure you'd like him Mum, he loves a good Merlot too!

You know what, they'd never believe me even if I did tell them the truth.

"I went home, I worked, I probably drank too much and I found my missing appetite. That's all. Oh and as of yesterday Kyle has officially become Kitty's new owner."

"Why?" Gwen asked, breaking off an arm and then a leg as she did well to ignore Mums glaring.

"He's a terrible judge of character. Some door to door salespeople came by and he loved them all which made it hard to make them go away. If anyone tries to sell me more solar panels, they're seeing my dark side." I laugh.

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