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Just a quick note, how the last chapter ended has been redone and completely changed... might want to flick back to it as this won't be picking up where it left off. ER x


After waking the following afternoon, Aiden and I went home. Brianna carried on with her plans to go back to the coven, my brothers made promises to check in with me twice a day and things remained awkward with my parents. Life did return to normal, as normal as things could be these days. Aiden never pushed to know more or ask questions about what happened between me and David. If I asked what happened with him and Brianna, I was told it was taken of so it just became easier not to talk about any of it. Gwen went back home, promising to keep our secrets and skipping on going to her parents place on the way back only ensured it stayed that way.

"So, is he like, living with you now?" Hannah asked a week later when we finally caught up for sushi at our favourite place.

"Yes. It's just, easier." I sigh.

"I'm glad things are going well." She pauses, refilling the little dish of soy sauce.


"But what?"

"There is always a but." I take the last gyoza and ignore the shocked look on her face.

"I wanted that!" She protested before shrugging. "Things aren't moving too fast are they?"

"Maybe, but it's what is good for us." I tell her slowly.

"Must be. I haven't even seen you looking so, so, healthy. Happy too. You just, you look great! I'm almost jealous." She laughs.

She wouldn't be laughing if I told her the main reason for my change is not just my happiness and new relationship, but rather the blood I now seem to be consuming every couple of days. Who knew, all these years spent as the weak, pale, runt could have been resolved so quickly, simply by discovering my dormant fangs and mixed heritage.

It was then my phone beeped and quickly checking it, I couldn't believe it was already that time. Eight o'clock. Looking out the darkened window, the shadow that stood to one side told me enough and I quickly downed what was left of my sake.

"I'm sorry, I gotta go. I didn't realise the time!" I apologise, fumbling with my bag. I put a twenty down on the table and she smiled.

"I get it. I got that club opening to get ready for anyway. I'll see you at that breakfast meeting on Wednesday though right? Don't worry, I'll pick you up." She checks her phone as I cringe.

"Right. See you then!" I blow her a kiss and rush out of the restaurant, spotting David as he looked into the display window of a closed shop a few meters away.

Today was our first get together post-that night. As I promised, we could hang out and choosing to forget to clarify with Aiden that I wasn't going to be out with Hannah all night, I wondered how long I could get away with this for.

"Hey!" I called out to him, but he was already turning my way.

We awkwardly hugged and he then motioned to the black suv parked at the curb.

"Good evening Samara. Are you ready?"

"I am." I held my breath as he opened the door and climbed in, with him moving around to get in on the other side.

We pulled out and I sat back slightly, not willing to risk Hannah seeing me in the car as we went past where she was walking. I was positive she hadn't seen me get in, and slowly relaxed as we crossed the city. I didn't want her questions or worse, her bringing it up when Aiden was around.

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