Don't Look Back.

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After taking a shower, I would have been more than happy to just curl up in bed with Aiden and forget everything that had happened. Of course it wasn't that simple. As we had walked home I told him what I could about the attack, which left him silent and tense. Things like that don't just happen without a reason, but what could that reason have been? It wasn't like I had enemies around every corner; if anything the only person I had issues with around here was the girl at the supermarket that would constantly make remarks on the amount of alcohol I brought. It wasn't as bad as it appeared, she was just always working every time I went in so of course she thought it was the only thing I ever purchased. 

Cause enough to organise two werewolves to try abducting me? No.

Before my Dad made his presence known, before Aiden came into my life, before my world was turned upside down - this would have been completely and utterly terrifying. Now when things out of the ordinary happened, it just felt like a Tuesday. Maybe I was just too tired to care. Maybe it would hit me in the morning like the hangover I was currently working my way towards as despite Aiden's look of, 'really, you're doing that now?' I skipped the glass and drank the bourbon straight. Maybe I did have a bit of a problem.

"And you really didn't know them?" He asked for the third time.

"No. Never seen them before in my life." He sat thoughtful for a moment and I savored the quiet. Yet as I watched him, I saw that familiar rage bubbling under the surface. His eyes seemed to darken and I sighed. "David has nothing to do with it."

"I know you want to believe that Sam, but it's just a little too convenient he was there. I thought you asked him for some space so why the hell was he lurking around your neighbourhood? I hadn't sensed him nearby for a while, so on a whim he suddenly has some kind of fatherly instinct to check on his kid?" He was trying to stay calm and I appreciated the effort it clearly took him to do so.

"Not exactly a whim. It's a little more  complicated than that." And then I told him the truth about how I've been spending my 'class time'.

"He's a dangerous man Sam." He finally said right before I thought he was about to walk out. He rubbed his face looking beyond tired and while my guilt had eased now the truth was out, it flared back up. "I understand that you want to believe he is who he is letting you think he is, which makes me even more certain he staged tonight."

"That's ridiculous." I shout, more in frustration than anything else. "I get he isn't a good person, I haven't forgotten his little spree before finding me, and I don't agree with his methods, and sure he has some issues, but when it's just me and him he isn't that person. He wants to be my father. He wants to know me. He cares and-"

Gods could he be right?

No. He couldn't. 

David was trying. Deep down I understood what Aiden was trying to say, but I was also right in my decision - not the one I was forced into, but what I had already decided before that horrible night. He deserved a chance. Maybe my Mum thought David had once as well, she did after all write to him to tell him that I existed. Had she hoped he'd find out sooner, that he might have turned up back then and been a part of my life like he claims he would have always wanted to be? I can't change the past or what happened and how, but I can have some say in the future. 

"I don't expect you to understand. I hate I've even put you in this position, but I want to give my father a chance. No one else has and these last few weeks have been kind of great with him" I admit. "I'm not going to stop seeing him Aiden."

Aiden stood in the middle of the lounge room and I almost expected him to leave; mate or not. Since that very first night together everything had changed between us. It was scary and exciting. A consuming, demanding beast that took control and we were powerless to stop it. I was still just as fascinated by him as the day we first met and a part of me still rang the alarm somewhere in the back of my mind that he was a bad idea - the knowledge he'd change my life in irreparable ways a truth. Before, it was because I didn't know what I was walking into. He was a stranger. Dark. Dangerous. Strong. He'd have the power to destroy me. Now, it was much the same. If he left before he always came back, something in me knew he would despite how frustrated I had been over it. If he was to leave now - I no longer held the certainty that he would be. If that was the case, as it meant that tiny little voice of alarm I always chose to ignore would be right. He would destroy me and in some ways, it would also be all of my own doing.

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