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We slept late the following day, and despite that, I had little intention of leaving the warm body beside me for any reason. Today, I was hiding from the world and if we never had to leave the cabin, I would probably be okay with that. Just thinking about facing everyone again made me feel exhausted so anytime I did, I just held Aiden that little bit tighter and went back to sleep.

"We can't stay here forever." Aiden murmured between kisses. Since we were on day three, I was starting to think we could. "And don't think you can just distract me into staying by-"

I pinned him down, finishing the kiss as I started to slip lower so there wasn't a part of me not touching him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I lie shamelessly, digging my nails into his chest just enough to earn a growl before I found myself being the one pinned down.

"I need food. If I don't eat, then you definitely do not get to eat." He bit my lip teasingly and I instantly blushed.

The hunger had come back last night and so it was decided whenever needed, I could feed from him. It was something commonly done with vampire mates, our blood not repulsive to the other or damaging. He may have bitten me too, and never had anything felt so good. For the first time in a long time, I had a sense of belonging and it was because of one person which terrified me as much as comforted me. So much for not needing a man.

As Aiden had asked earlier, I was starting to feel different. We both noticed a change as my skin didn't seem to pale and the look I often had that made it hard to tell if i was on drugs, hadn't slept for a month or just getting over a bad flu was gone and I'd almost say I had a rather healthy glow. Even my hair felt fuller, I had energy that coffee had never been able to give me and not getting ahead of myself, I'm pretty sure I was starting to develop a bit of muscle tone everywhere I never had it before; which was literally everywhere. I didn't feel like the runt anymore.

"Besides, we can't hide here forever." Aiden reminds me.

"Who's hiding? Everyone knows where we are." Which was true because we asked Brianna to tell them.

"I'll be with you no matter what happens. Your brothers won't make me leave this time."

"I know. I just, how much money will it take for Brianna to portal me to I don't know, Thailand."

"You'd hate the humidity." His nose traces my collarbone and I don't think it will take much to get him to stay another day. "Come on, get up or I'll carry you into the shower and dump your ass there."

"I happen to love humidity."

"You're a terrible liar." And then suddenly I'm up and being carried into the bathroom where he does the unthinkable by turning on the cold water first.

Too bad I don't let him go and he keep him under the water with me.


Standing on the front porch of the house I'd grown up in, I'd never felt so out of place. Did I actually belong here, at all? Normally I would just walk in, no knocking or ringing the doorbell, but to do that now felt like I'd be breaking in. I raise my hand to knock, but don't and looking at Aiden he takes my other hand and squeezes. I don't even know why we had to come here. I had nothing to say to them, and before my fingers touch the wood the door is opened. Aiden is ripped away as Jack practically rugby tackles me to the ground only I never quite make it that far as Luke is with him and I'm sandwiched between the pair.

"Took you long enough to come back!" He scolds.

"You smell, different." Jack complains, before letting me go and stepping back, "You even look, different."

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