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"I should have you arrested." I push past Aiden and follow Kitty into the kitchen, so not in the mood for whatever this was going to be.


"Don't care. Get out."

To make the cat quiet I pour some biscuits into his bowl and going into the fridge, grab a bottle of water. Turning around, Aiden now takes up most of the doorway so I go to slip by him again only this time he won't budge and I can't get through.

"I wasn't kidding. I have had a really, really bad night and do not need to add you to the list of shit thats gone wrong today." I narrow my eyes on him, but he doesn't move a muscle. "Get out!"

"Will you just-" He starts, sounding just as annoyed as me. What the hell gives him that right?

"No. I won't." With a huff, I sit on my kitchen bench and throw my legs over to slide down the other side. "You better be gone by the time I come back out."

I practically run across the living room and down the hall, his growl and footsteps right behind me as I disappear into my bedroom. Never more thankful for the lock that was already there when I moved in, tonight is the first night I've actually used it. Sure he could just break it down, but after waiting a few seconds he didn't and I go to take in the damage to my neck.

"Well, look at that." I mused, inspecting myself in the bathroom mirror.

No bites, no bruises, nothing. It hurts like crazy, but there is no evidence as to why it's so sore. Well, there was no denying it now. Brianna had to have been involved. I hadn't imagined that and Mr. Happy out there was only further proof of her involvement.

"Why me?" I half expect my reflection to answer, but instead I get tired of looking at myself and finally strip off for a shower.

I'm feeling better by the time I emerge from my bedroom. Kitty runs past as I open my door, taking his place on the pillow beside the bed. I'm hoping he did that because there was no one to beg for more food from waiting for me, and peeking around the corner my living room is empty. I'm not entirely sure he's gone though. Aiden's presence is everywhere like a bad smell no amount of scented candles could remove yet I don't see him. My place isn't huge so the fact he isn't taking up the living room gives me hope he's gone.

"Why do you have no food?" Aiden's question instantly ruins that and looking into the kitchen, he takes out a beer and shuts the door so the whole fridge wobbles.

"I haven't been home long enough to do any groceries. Sorry, next time I'll make sure to get a buffet ready." Next time? Unlikely. "So I'm going to call the cops now. What are you? Intruder, stalker, last beer thief, hungry hybrid?"

I get my phone out of my bed and he simply leans back against the counter. "You're not calling the police."

"Are you leaving then?"

"You're being ridiculous." He sighs. "Brianna saved your ass tonight. How about a thank you?"

"I'll thank her later. Like when I go home in a couple of weeks."

"You're not coming back now?"

"No." I hit the call button and hold it up to show him. "Last chance."

My phone is in his hand before I can start to fight back and now he leans on the counter in front of me, reaching over to put it on top of the fridge. The smirk on his face makes me want to murder him and I think I'm cured of what ever was going on between us as I really don't find him attractive at all right now.

"Why are you being so hostile?"

My jaw actually drops on its own and for a second I'm speechless. "Do you have a twin?"

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