A Dance.

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"What's happened?" Like flicking a switch, dark and angry was instantly replaced by alert and tense.

"They died!" Brianna sucks in a shaky breath and grabbing a tissue wipes her eyes before blowing her nose.

"Gets me every time." I tell her, before it sinks in that Aiden is back. "How did you go?"

"I don't get it, who died? Are you ok?"

"Oh we're fine. Allie and Noah, not so much." I sigh. "But at least they're together."

"What?" He simply stares at us now.

"It's a movie." Brianna finally points out. "Thank you Sam. I really needed this."

"Anytime!" We hug and she hiccups, blushing slightly as Aiden catches up with our night.

"You got her drunk?"

"No, she did that all on her own." I argue. "If anything she got me drunk with her little magic bottle there."

Aiden simply shakes his head. "Not what I was expecting to come back to."

"Would you prefer us to be arguing and not getting along or is that more our thing?"

"Well if you weren't so hard to be around maybe we wouldn't-"

"See. Back for five minutes and already you're starting. If you don't like it you could always leave?" I'm not sure why I'm so annoyed all of a sudden or why we are starting an argument over nothing.

"Um, Sam, remember when I mentioned wolf traits and vampire traits?" Brianna whispers and I nod, it had only been like an hour ago. "Both species get a bit, I guess clingy, when they find someone they-"

"I can hear you." Aiden growls.

So can I and I'm not sure how I feel about what she's implying. Infact I don't want to hear a bit of it right now.

"Go home. You're drunk, witch." I tell her, before turning to Aiden. "Did your friend help?"

"More than I would have liked. I know who is in the photo."

"Oh. Well that's good? Now we can stop him, right?"

"Not quite that simple." That darkness is back again, coming over him like a shadow, yet I can't stop myself from going closer.

"Who is it?" Brianna asks quietly. I'd almost think she knew too.

"Yeah?" I add, not wanting to feel out of the loop.

"David Henson." He tells us.

It wasn't exactly the kind of name that would make you start to tremble as soon as you heard it. It was normal, grown up- I'd imagine him as an account or something. Not a psychopathic killer of shifters.

Brianna closed her eyes, mumbling foreign sounds to herself as she slowly started to sway. Instinctively I stepped further away from her and closer to Aiden only he didn't seem bothered by her at all.

"What am I missing?" I ask.

"Nothing. Don't even worry about it. Now we know, we can manage it." And by we he wasn't talking about him and me. "Don't tell the alpha's just yet. I don't need them starting a manhunt. Rumours are bad enough and he might not even be involved in all the murders. If he hears we suspect him, he'll disappear."

"Of course. Thank you again Sam, I'll be in touch." And within seconds she's gone.

"You two do this kind of stuff all the time?" I wonder.

"Not Brie, but I've done a few, things. This is her first time, and without the coven close by for support."

"I thought they were good witches, so what kind of things do you all get up to?"

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