-26- Twists and Turns

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Danny groaned as he sat up against his cell wall. As per usual after beating him to a pulp they did a few tests, not to mention a few hours in the electric chair 'just for kicks', and dragged him back here to beat his dead body once more.

Danny saw no reason in their mindless violence, but understood the thrill of being more powerful than others. He shoved that thought down a dark hole, no, pride was something he didn't have, would refuse to have. Pride made him angry and violent, that was when the heads started to roll.

Danny didn't want to make any more heads roll.

But something deep inside of him wanted to be let out, to burn, slash, hack, crush, and pulverise with no end in sight. Danny refused to let that happen. He had let it out once, and once was one too many times.

His body was so weak, it was just like the old times, before Bruce and Dick. He wondered if they were close, if anyone was actually looking for him. Maybe they were, maybe they weren't, he couldn't tell. But he could hope, and that hope gave him the strength to keep going.

He actually had no idea how he survived before, Danny was practically living off of hope. Of course his stomach was empty, he had, uh, left his remaining bile on the floor of the new experiment room. Not that Danny minded as it gave the GIW something to do that wasn't particularly harmful, but he was usually punished for ruining their wretched white walls.

He didn't have any physical flesh wounds but his body was weak and deprived of ectoplasm. This place was far different than the other GIW cell he had been in, here there seemed to be something alive in the air.

But it was barely there, and when he did feel it it quickly left, leaving the need for more. Danny wasn't sure where he was but it was unlike any place he had ever been, he felt like he should have been stronger but something was obstructing the flow.

Danny winced as the door grated open, and he was off to do some other horrible test.

Flanked by agents the halfa was walked, more like dragged, to a large room. It reminded the boy of the robot training room from his last GIW building, but instead of empty it was full of machines.

All of the different machines Danny had ever been tested with were here. His eyes widened at the array of mass ectoplasmic destruction, he knew exactly what every one of those weapons did first hand. He shuddered as they past an innocent looking belt, that one he did not like at all.

He also spied a small cube looking thing that Danny remembered didn't hurt but kept him in this weird box that turned him back into Greyson-Fenton. They marched to the other side of the room where another thing was glowing.

This time it seemed controlled, and possibly made, by the GIW. It was circular but was stretched out in an oval near the ground, it wasn't exactly a portal though. Glowing green string or wire, it might have been lazers, covered the hole. The string did not cover the entire hole as he could see through to the other side with ease.

The halfa wondered what it did, what more pain it would cause. The agents seemed to be preparing another machine on the other side, some capsule looking thing. Danny was pushed forward with his chains rattling loudly in the room.

Danny didn't look up as Agent B, whom he has come to recognise, led him forward to the glowy string. Instructions were clear, go through it.

Danny shuffled hesitantly by the weird hole, he still didn't know what it did. But he yelped and scrambled through it when Agent B lifted up his gun.

The green wires passed through him and something felt off. He came out the other side with a 'thud' but was confused when he heard a second one. He looked up and saw, himself.

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