-28- Rising From The Ashes

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Danny moaned, his head shifted to the side on a soft pillow.

He wanted to open his eyes but his eyelids were incredibly heavy. His ears still seemed to ring from the explosion, someone was talking but he couldn't figure out what they were saying.

His head moved again, it was a miracle he could move at all. His memories were a blur, all he knew was something exploded, then nothing.

His brows furrowed in his dream-like state, he needed to open his eyes.

Something metal touched his mouth, he almost jerked away, but the smell was enticing. It was a spoon with soup, Danny wasn't able to tell what kind in his delirium but it smelled wonderful. His mouth opened on its own and the soup was poured in by an unseen hand.

It was warm and reminded him of Alfred, his brows furrowed more with the thought. Where was he? He swallowed with strain, for some reason the action was difficult. Another spoon was directed to his mouth, he opened and accepted the food from the mysterious source.

His fists clenched with the effort of swallowing, then relaxed as the warm liquid slid down his throat. His stomach suddenly revolted against him.

The spoon waited to be eaten but Danny shifted his head away, if he ate one more bite he was sure to throw up. He noticed how raspy his breathing was and how heavy his eyelids were, his ears began roaring and the world around him dissolved into nothingness.


Danny woke once more, his eyelids still glued shut.

He attempted to say something, anything, but it came out as a groan. He heard some shuffling like someone coming to stand, he really hoped it was someone he knew.

Another scowl was adopted onto his face as he was greeted with the spoon of soup. It didn't smell good anymore, if anything it smelled like vinegar. It was the same smell that accompanied his drugged food when he was with the GIW.

Danny began to sweat, the smell had uncovered ghastly memories, and with his eyes still shut his imagination began to get the better of him. His head twisted to the side, he refused to do anything for the GIW anymore.

"Common, you need to eat."

Danny stopped shifting at the voice, it was female.

It sounded young and concerned, almost annoyed. If Danny were to take a guess he would guess Artemis, but that was improbable. He drew a blank, this must be someone he didn't know. But then, why would a stranger help him? Especially him?

The spoon was at his mouth again and he frowned but hesitantly opened his mouth. His eyes squeezed and his fists grabbed at the sheets, why was swallowing so hard?

"See? You're gonna get better, I promise." The girl's voice stated with confidence, but Danny could tell she was just as nervous as he was.

He opened his mouth to speak but only got a few squeaks out, he coughed weakly and stopped his attempt. For now he was safe with this girl, but Danny didn't know how long that would last.


Danny didn't remember falling asleep, but he sure remembered waking up.

It was warm under the covers of a large bed, making him reminiscent of home. But he knew by now that he was not at the Manor, nor any place he would call home. It was silent except for the imperceptible ticking of a clock, but otherwise the room was stagnant. If the girl was there he couldn't tell, Danny tried once more to open his eyes.

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