t h i r t e e n

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Faith was now used to waking up fairly early in the morning. No one was awake yet, so she waddled down the stairs to make breakfast. After pacing the pantry and searching the fridge, she decided on bacon and waffles. It was easy and didn't take long to prepare. The smell of food must have lured Sam in because he was entering the kitchen moments after Faith set the table.

"Dean is going to be pissed when he finds out you cooked," He said as he sat down at the table and fixed his plate.

"I didn't do anything," She winked as she brewed a pot of coffee for the boys.

"What the hell is this?" Dean's voice slightly startled her since she had her back to the door.

"Sammy cooked us breakfast," She said, pointing over to Sam who was already eating.

"What's the occasion?" Dean asked as he walked up behind Faith. Sam simply shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat.

Faith noticed the pot was now full and proceeded to pour both boys a cup.

"Here, I can get it," Dean tried to take the cups from her hands.

"And so can I," She chuckled as she walked over and placed both cups on the table.

He let out a groan in defeat but sat down a the table to fix him a plate. Faith joined them a few moments later and everyone sat quietly as they enjoyed their food.

Several hours later and Faith, Dean, and Sam were sitting around the living room watching a movie. After Sam had researched local news and found nothing suspicious, they decided that they could just take the day to relax. The room was dark and quiet except for the sounds of the tv. Faith watched the screen as she was cuddled next to Dean who was smiling through the action scene. Suddenly, a sharp pain radiated through Faith's lower abdomen. Dean noticed her flinch and was immediately alert.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he looked down to where she lay on his chest.

"Just a little pain. I'm okay," She said as she tried not to make a big deal of it. The bigger Rosie got, the more it hurt when she moved around.

Within seconds of those words leaving her mouth, the pain got sharper and more intense. She slowly raised from the couch and paced the back of the room to hopefully get some relief. Her face grimaced slightly as she tried to push through it. Dean's eyes never left her as he watched her every move.

"What's going on?" He asked as he stood and made his way to her side.

"I think she's just moving around," She replied, still pacing the floor.

The pain never eased, and only grew sharper by the minute. Soon and Faith was gritting her teeth from the pain. Dean started to grow worried and tried to help her in any way that he could. Faith sat back down on the edge of the couch and Dean crouched in front of her. She laid her head in the crook of his neck as he rubbed circular motions on her back.

"I think it may be Braxton Hicks," She groaned. "The articles said this would probably happen. It's just fake contractions that help me prepare,"

Dean nodded his head in understanding. "I think I'm gonna go lay down for a little while and try to relax," She said as she slowly stood up and headed for the stairs. Dean was right behind her the whole way. She stopped in her tracks as she reached the top of the stairs.

"Oh, shit," She said in almost a whisper.

"What?" Dean asked. "What's wrong?"

"My water just broke," She said as she looked down at the small amount of liquid that pooled in the floor.

"Sam!" Dean yelled out for his brother in shock.

Sam quickly rounded the corner when he hear Dean call out. "What's going on?"

"We are having a baby tonight," Faith said through an eager smile. "But first I've got to get in the shower,"

"I don't even think so," Dean tried sternly.

"The first child always takes longer to deliver. I'm going to take a quick shower and clean up this mess and then we can leave," She gestured to the floor.

"Don't worry about the floor," He chuckled. "Hurry and get a shower and I'll load the bags,"

"Okay, okay," She said as he held up her arms in defense and turned to walk to the bathroom.

Dean stood motionless for a moment as a smile plastered his face. Faith hurried to take a shower before changing to a t-shirt and sweatpants. By the time she walked back into the hall, Dean had cleaned up the floor and Sam had all the hospital bags loaded into the back of the Impala.

"Ready?" He asked, still smiling.

"As I'll ever be," She said as she took his arm and they both walked outside. The cool breeze whipped through her damp hair as they made their way to the car. Dean helped her slide into the passenger seat before running around and getting in himself.

"Let's go have a baby," Dean said as he put Baby in gear and peeled out of the drive. The contractions started more intense the closer to the hospital they drove. Dean kept her hand in his the whole way there. Neither of them could stop the smile that was plastered on each of their faces. 

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