Chapter 2: New Beginnings

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The next morning, I woke up before my alarm went off. I had to be at the company at 9A.M. and it was only 5:20A.M. now so I was in no rush to get out of bed. As I was laying in the bed, thinking about the previous  night, I felt my phone vibrate underneath my pillow. Pulling it out, I see that it was a text from Hayden.


ood Morning :) You ready for your interview today?

Smiling at the phone, I quickly type back a reply to him.
Good Morning to you too. I’m ready, but extremely nervous.

Don’t be. I hear the boss is easy to please. ;)

I hope so! Thanks again for hooking me up with the interview. I owe you!

After sending my message, I slowly start getting ready for the day. I was completely finished with getting ready by 7:15 A.M. and decided that I had more than enough time to still have breakfast before I go. I really do hope the boss is friendly, from what Hayden told me last night, he sounds like an incredible man. Definitely worthy of respect.

I leave the apartment at 8:21 A.M. and get into my car. After putting my seatbelt on, I enter the address of the company into my gps and  then I head off to the company. I arrive at the company with ten minutes to spare, since the traffic was crazy, so I decide to head to the receptionist and ask where I should go for my interview with the boss.

The receptionist sends me to the 15th floor and tells me to wait for Mr. Clarke there. While waiting for Mr. Clarke, the boss, to interview me, I let my mind trail to Zach. He was such an incredible baby. I never knew that a child could bring as  much happiness as he did until I held Zach in my arms for the first time. Oh, how I miss those beautiful emerald eyes of him.

Before I get to ponder too much on Zach and my longing to hold him once more, I hear my name being called into Mr. Clarke’s office.

I am completely mesmerised when I enter the office. All the furniture in the office is made from a dark wood while the rest of the office contrasts the dark wood with a light grey and silver. The office looks out over the city, with the rising sun in the background. I step closer to the desk at the end of the office, and prepare to introduce myself to Mr. Clarke when I am met with familiar piercing blue eyes.

“Hayden.. Hi..” I breathe out shakily. What’s he doing in Mr. Clarke’s office, behind his desk? I wonder to myself. He flashes me a dashing smirk, before clearing his throat.

“Good Morning, once again Alesana. I’m Hayden Clarke. Your new boss. I’m glad you could make it on time.”

I stare at him dumbstruck for a few moments. Hayden is Mr. Clarke? Why didn’t he just tell me. This would have been a lot less awkward for me if he warned me that he would be the ‘kind’ boss that will be interviewing me today. Smiling shyly while hiding my obvious blush, I get the courage to look into his blue eyes again.

“It’s nice to formally meet you sir. I have heard great things about you.” I tease. His eyes shine with amusement and as he is about to say something to me, he gets interrupted by a loud knock on the door. He sighs and then, with a booming voice, commands the person to enter the office.

A beautiful slender blonde, dressed in a tight pencil skirt and red blouse with 7 inch stilettos, enters the office, with elegancy and style.

“Sorry to interrupt love, but Ryder is here and he is not taking a “no you are busy” for an answer.”

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