Chapter 4: Death Glares And Unanswered Questions

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I woke up around 8A.M. again, and for someone with less that 4 hours of sleep, I felt completely energized and ready for the day. After taking a quick shower and getting dressed into a pair of grey skinny jeans and a black tank top that read  “cute but psycho on it, I made my way towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Hayden and myself.

I wasn't sure what he was used to having for breakfast so I made us some pancakes with syrup, along with some bacon and eggs. Then I made us some Vanilla Latte coffee and placed everything on the dining table. Once again, in less that 24 hours, I found myself crouching down beside Hayden peaceful sleeping figure to wake him up.

“Hayden, wake up. It’s morning and I’ve made breakfast.” He lazily opened his one eye at the mention of breakfast and then let out a long yawn. He is obviously not as energized as I am this morning, I think to myself.

“Morning Sunshine.” He gave me a bright smile, then added, “Did you say breakfast?” I giggled at him slightly and, nodded at him. Then I turned towards the dining room where everything was already prepared. He followed shortly after me and after saying grace, we dove into our food. Hayden more than me though. He looked like a kid who was tasting candy for the first time in their life.

“I could wake up to a breakfast like this every day.” He commented as he was devouring his pancakes. I simply smiled warmly at him, too lost in my own thoughts to be of great company. I was thinking about the nicknames he had been giving me and how special they had made me feel, when I was suddenly pulled from my train of thoughts by a loud knock on my front door.

“Finish your breakfast Hayden, I'll be right back.” I say as I get up to see who could possibly be at my front door this early in the morning. I unlock my door and pull it open only to be met with a smiling Caden. What's he doing here? Before I can make a fool of myself I remember that we supposedly have a date today. However, he is a bit early. He isn't supposed to be arriving until at least 5P.M. So why is he here so early?

“Caden, hi! What are you doing here so early?” I ask nervously. I don't know why but for some reason I don't want Caden to know that Hayden spent the night with me. He would probably get the wrong idea and I seriously don't need any rumors being spread about me at work. Especially since I'm working with kids and I don't want to make Caden think something bad about me without really knowing me.

“Good morning pretty lady. Look, I know we planned our date for 5, but I really wanted to see you so I thought I'd just drop by and see if you wanted to hang out at your place for the day, at least until we have to go on our date later today.”

“Sorry Caden, I can't at the moment. I actually have company over...” I was about to explain more when Caden’s eyes shifted from me to something, or should I say someone behind me.

“Hayden. What a lovely surprise. I didn't know you visited your employees personally.” Caden comments when I realize that it is Hayden that he is staring at. Hayden too is staring back at him, however the death glare that he is sending Caden is really frightening to say the least.

I can see the wheels spinning in Cadden’s head about what Hayden could possibly be doing with me so early in the morning. Before either Caden or myself can say anything though, Hayden trods toward us with his car keys and his jacket in his hand.

“Have a good day Ms. Harrison. Thank you for the breakfast.” I catch on to his professional tone and decide to mimic it as I bid him farewell. He obviously doesn't want Caden to know he stayed over either.

“You too sir, I hope you the breakfast was satisfactory and I will see you on Monday sir.” He nods at me, his eyes flashing with something I once again can't read and then he nods at Caden while walking out. I don't know why, but I suddenly no longer feel amped up to hang out with Caden at all anymore. I really enjoyed my time with Hayden and I really did not want it to end so quick. Nothing I could do about that now though.

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