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The following couple of weeks went by without a trouble. Hayden and I had been doing great and Zach was enjoying himself thoroughly at the child care where I was working. It really did feel incredible to know that I could see him all day and make sure that he would be alright every day. Hayden truly did bless me when he offered me this job.

Work was hectic though. I had a lot of paper work that I needed to catch up on due to the stress of finding Hayden as well as going through the trial to lock my baby's kidnapper up. Hayden had also been terribly busy at work, but somehow he always managed to come to my place at 5P.M. to spend time with Zach and myself. He usually left about an hour after Zach fell asleep and then the whole routine would be repeated.

As I was packing up my belongings to go home, a delivery boy knocked on my door. He seemed to be about 17 years old and he had ruffled brown hair with hazel coloured eyes. He was skinny and tall and he seemed to be a friendly young man. In his hand he had a beautiful white box with a baby pink ribbon tied around it elegantly. "Are you Miss Harrison?" The boy asked.

"Yes, that is me." I answered with a kind smile towards the young boy standing in front of me.

"Uh.. Miss, this is for you. Can you please sign here and here?" He asked pointing to the two dotted lines at the bottom of the document that he was holding in his hand. I did as he told and then he left. Too excited to wait until I reached home, I quickly pulled the box open. I was stunned by the soft pink dress that was packed delicately into the white box.

The dress was sleeveless and reached down to my toes. The top of the dress was made from a soft pink lace while the rest of the dress flowed down to my toes. Along with the beautiful dress, was a white and pink coloured necklace. On top of it all lay a note that read, Be ready at 7p.m. love, I've got a surprise for you. See you soon beautiful. XX Hayden

I hastily grabbed my belongings and walked to the elevator hand-in-hand with Zach. When we reached home, I immediately gave him a bath and dressed him in something formal. After that I got ready myself and by the time it was 7p.m. I was ready and waiting for my Hayden to show up. However, he never did. Instead, a limousine showed up and ushered Zach and myself to our new destination.

When we reached there I was completely awestruck at my surroundings. We were at a magnificent garden, filled with hundreds of different flowers while a dim lighted pathway that led us toward a beautifully decorated tree. Underneath the tree, was about 10 tables and chairs around them, but that's not what shocked me. What shocked me most was the people standing around these tables. Waiting for Zach and myself.

My dad smiled up at me happily along with every one else. And in the midst of everything, stood a handsomely dressed Hayden. He wore a dark blue tux that fitted him like a glove. He matched the tux with a white dress shirt and a black tie. As if my feet had a mind of its own, I walked directly towards Hayden.

The moment I stood in front of him, he went down on his knee and started speaking. "Ally, since the moment I saw you, I knew that I wanted to have you in my life for the rest of my existence. I knew that my heart immediately belonged to you. You were the most beautiful girl that ever bumped into me, inside and out. In you, I saw someone that I would risk my life for. Someone I would willingly die for. Someone I want to have next to me until the day my time on earth expires. I love you so much. I love Zach so much so Ally, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife? Would you do me the honour of being Zach's father?"

I stood in front of Hayden completely stunned at what was happening. The man of my dreams want to spend the rest of his life with me. Before I could answer, a small tug on my dress snapped my gaze from Hayden to Zach.

"Say yes to daddy, mommy." Zach encouraged me excitedly. I burst out laughing along with the entire crowd, then I did the only thing that felt right in my heart. I threw my arms around Hayden's neck and whispered "yes" over and over again. He gave me a bright and dashing smile, and then he slipped the gorgeous pearly ring on my finger.

With one last look, he placed his lips firmly against mine. Proving to me that this is in fact reality and not a dream. Once again I found myself in a complete state of aphasia. This breathtaking man standing in front of me has rendered me completely speechless.

Echoes of Aphasia Where stories live. Discover now