Chapter 10: Sleepovers And Bonding Times

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He stumbled out of his office and I had to put my arm around his waist to steady him and to help him walk over to my car. I decided that we could just get his car the following day so that he didn't have to drive in such an exhausted state.

The drive to my apartment was quiet, with only Hayden’s soft snores breaking the silence. I studied his face as I waited for the traffic light to turn green. He looked peaceful and serene as he slept. I couldn't help but to worry about him, he truly seemed exhausted, not just physically but also mentally and emotionally. Things seemed to be taking a toll on him and I didn’t like seeing him in such a large amount of pain. How do you comfort your broken best friend when you’re broken too?

When we finally reached our destination I woke Hayden up and helped him into the apartment. I laid him down on my bed and covered him with my blanket. I decided that I would let him sleep on my bed since it is much more comfortable than the couch and he obviously needed the sleep more than I did.

After I laid him down, I took a quick bath and prepared myself a cup of hot chocolate. I settled down on the couch and turned on the television. I was tired but I also felt like it would be one of those nights where no matter what I did, it would take a long time to fall asleep. As I flipped through the channels I heard Hayden’s mumbles coming from my room. I slowly got up and went to my room to check whether he was alright or not.

When I got to my room, I found Hayden tossing and turning while mumbling incoherent words. I sat down on the bed next to him and started calling out his name to wake him from what seemed to be a nightmare. He was sweating and his whole body was as cold as ice. It’s as if he hadn’t been covered with my blanket at all for the entire evening. After a few shakes and some stirring from my part, he slowly opened his gorgeous blue eyes and stared up at me in a mixture of confusion, fear and that darn emotion I couldn’t read.

“Alesana what are you doing here?” I was confused at his question at first, I mean this is my house so why would he ask me what I was doing at my own place? Then it dawned on me that he was probably so tired when we left the office that he doesn't remember coming over to my place.

“You were tired at the office and I didn't want you to stay there for the night or drive yourself home in the condition you were, so I brought you back you my place. I hope you don’t mind. If you have somewhere else to go I will take you there.” He was quiet for a while and then he yawned. His eyes lit up and I immediately saw the mischief gleaming in his eyes

“Is this your way of trying to seduce your boss? I would have to report you for being unprofessional. For all I know, you could have been taking advantage of my tired state.” He winked at me and immediately my face flamed up in a bright red. He was teasing me, I knew it but I still couldn't help but blush at what he was insinuating.

“What! No of- of course not! Hayds wha-” I stuttered out. He started laughing hard and before I knew it, the two of us were sitting on my bed laughing as if Hayden had just told the biggest joke in the world. The blush however never left my face. When we finally started sobering up, he winked at me again and taunted, “I'm kidding Ally, but the blush made it all worth it.”

I blushed again at the possibility of him flirting with me. It shouldn't have effected me this much, because I was in a relationship with Caden, a relationship I was no longer sure I wanted to be in, but a relationship none the less. Remembering my hot chocolate, I sprinted towards the lounge and heated my cup up while making a cup for Hayden as well. When I had finished making his hot chocolate I went back to my bedroom where I found him looking at a picture of Zach and myself.

“You really are a beautiful mother. I can tell that you really loved your son.” He half whispered to me. My eyes started filling up with tears and I went to sit down next to him, my head resting on his shoulder.

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