Chapter 19: Fighting Against All Odds

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Hayden’s lips moved in perfect sync with mine. The butterflies erupted in my stomach while my whole body tingled from the emotions flowing between us. It was love between us, I could feel it.  It was no longer a simple physical attraction or a simple infatuation.

”Ally.. my beautiful Ally.. I lo-“ just as he was about to continue, my phone rang loudly, snapping both of us from the moment.  I wanted more than anything to ignore the phone call and continue kissing the life out of Hayden, but I couldn’t just ignore whoever was calling me. It could be an emergency after all.

“Hello” I say almost impatiently. I know I said I couldn’t ignore whoever was calling, but that didn’t mean that I was fine with them stopping me from kissing Hayden.

“Alesana, look I know I’m probably the last person you want to speak to, but hear me out okay?” I hear Caden’s distressed voice and immediately I start to feel panicked as well. He wouldn’t call me if it wasn’t important, I know that much.

“I’m listening” I say curtly while walking to another room so that Hayden doesn’t get upset about Caden ruining whatever he was about to tell me.

“I think I have a lead on Zach, Al I know we suck at being in a relationship but I do care about you and your son and I promised I wouldn’t stop trying to find him. I think.. I think I found him but I can’t be too sure. There’s a lot you need to know about me.”

My heart immediately starts beating erratically. What more could I possibly not know of Caden? and most of all, has he really found my baby boy?

“Cade, I’m at Hayden’s place. Come see me here and tell me everything.”

“I can’t..  Can we uh.. can we meet up at your place? I can’t tell you all of this in front of Hayden. You can tell him afterwards. Please.”

I sit there and contemplate for a while and then I answer, “Sure, see you in 20 minutes Caden. Drive Safe.” As I hang up, I turn around and my eyes immediately fall on Hayden’s questioning eyes.

“You’re seriously leaving me right now to go to the guy who’s been breaking your heard over and over again?” He demands angrily. I knew he wouldn’t be pleased if I left him right now to go to Caden, but it involves my son and I have to find my son. I can’t bear being away from him any longer.

“Hayds, Caden has a lead on Zach. I have to go. I need to find my son Hayden please understand that I have to do this right now Hayds, please.”

“Just go Alesana. I’ll see you some other time then. I guess I’ll always come second after Caden.” He spits out bitterly.

“No Hayds, I lo-“ He shuts me off with his hand and then turn around and walk to the other room before I even get the chance to tell him that I’ve always been in love with him and with him alone.

I follow him out of the room and walk to the front door. Before exiting I whisper, “I’m sorry Hayden. I do love you though.” Then I exit his apartment and slowly make my way back to mine. Not long after I arrived at my home, did Caden also arrive. His hair looked messy and dishevelled, as if he’s been running his hand through his hair too many times.

He was attractive, I couldn’t deny that but he didn’t make my heart flutter the way Hayden did. “I’m sorry for interrupting your time with Hayden, I just thought this was really important since it’s the first lead we’ve had so yeah...” He seems to be uncomfortable but I quietly place my hand on his.

“Cade, look I know we fight a lot and all but I still consider you to be my friend and you’ve been really helpful with Zach’s case, so trust me when I say that it’s alright kay?”   

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