Chapter 17: Getting Lost In The City

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The next morning, I woke up with a splitting head ache and a sticky face from all the crying of the previous night. My stomach was growling, hungry for food. I sluggishly get out of bed and run myself a bath while picking out an outfit for today. I once again decide on wearing a white dress. This time, it’s a plain white dress with a small slit at the front of the dress and a golden belt around the waist. After enjoying my warm bath, I apply some light makeup to my face and I let my blonde hair fall loosely around my face.

Satisfied with my outfit, I step out of my room and head towards the lobby. I have already called a taxi for myself that will escort me through the town all day long. I have decided that there was still so much that I could see and I planned on spending the day in Athens. I have always wanted to see the ancient Acropolis and the Parthenon so I decided that would be my detour for the day.

I haven’t heard anything from Caden at all. I expected him to come and apologize for his rude behaviour and for not telling me that it was a business trip, but nothing happened. Something he said last night did get my mind wondering though. He said that he brought me to Greece and still, he couldn’t keep me away from Hayden. Does that mean this whole trip was an attempt to get me away from Hayden? If so, then we will have to have a serious discussion because there is no way that I’m letting go of my best friend.

I spent hours just getting lost in Athens. The architecture was absolutely beautiful and the people were friendlier than in any place I had ever been. I had spent some time in the shops, buying myself all sorts of dresses and I even bought Hayden a beautiful crisp white button up shirt along with a pair of really nice semi-formal shorts.  Then, when I was done, I decided to head back to the hotel. Once again, I had taken a ton of pictures of the place and I sent some of them to Hayden. I heard that the hotel has an indoor swimming pool and so I decided that I would be taking a swim later on. I wanted to enjoy myself as much as I possibly could, without having to deal with the issue at hand. However, I knew that I had to speak to Caden soon.

This riff between  us bothered me. I didn’t want to spend the time here feeling miserable or sour about the whole thing. With that in mind, I decided that I would speak to Caden and sort this out. I went over to his room, which was like right across from mine, and then I knocked three times. After a while, the door opened and it revealed a tired looking Caden. He hadn’t seemed to register that I was the person at the door yet, so I simply walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

“What are you doing Alesana?” He said coldly.

“I’m here to apologize about last night Caden. I didn’t want things to turn out the way they did. I was just upset that you didn’t tell me it would be a business trip instead of a vacation away with my boyfriend. Why did you even bring me if I wouldn’t get to see you?” I asked as calmly as I could. I didn’t want to provoke another fight, but I needed to know.

“Because, who knows what you will be doing with Hayden when I’m oceans away from you.” There he  said it. He thought I was going to sleep with Hayden and that is the only reason he brought me with him. I only nodded my head at him and then I started walking away from him.

“Good night Caden.” I said firmly, then I entered my bedroom and allowed the silent tears to roll down my face. When I was sure that I was done crying, I put on my black and white patterned bikini on. I threw Hayden’s t-shirt on over it and grabbed my fluffy towel and cell phone, then I headed towards the indoor swimming pool.

When I got there, I stretched out my towel next to the swimming pool and placed my phone down on it. Then I climbed into the swimming pool and just relaxed with a glass of pure grape juice. It was absolutely delicious and the warmish water of the swimming pool instantly relaxed and comforted me. Distantly, I heard my phone ringing, which quickly snapped me from the trans that I currently found myself in.

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