Chapter 9: Fights And Screaming

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To say that Caden was angry when I opened that door was an understatement. His eyes were almost black with fury and his hands were balled into fists. I only silently opened my door further so that he could enter, too scared to say anything to Caden. I had never seen him like this before so I had no idea how to react around him.

“Cade, I'm really sorry for not having my phone with me today.” I said quietly. Too afraid to say anything else.

He suddenly stood in front of me and grabbed my wrists hard. “What were you so busy with that you completely ignored your boyfriend? Huh Alesana? Were you busy sleeping around or something?” He shouted angrily in my face.

Tears were threatening to spill as he continued to insult me. I messed up badly by kissing Hayden but that doesn't mean that I slept around. He didn’t even know about the kiss, so why would he accuse me of such a thing? I've only ever laid with one man and that was my husband who was now deceased. He was my first boyfriend. Caden is the second guy I ever decided to date and yet he is standing there yelling at me and accusing me of doing the one thing I would never do.

My wrists were starting to ache painfully as his grip on it only intensified. I let out a whimper and quietly said, “I'm sorry Cade. I won't do it again. I promise, I wasn’t sleeping around. I wouldn’t do that to you. Please stop, you're hurting me.”

He loosened his grip on my wrists, without letting them go. Guilt flashed in his eyes, but he quickly masked it and said, “Oh shame. Little princess Alesana is getting hurt. Well did you care about my feelings when you were ignoring me? No you weren't so why must I care now?”

“Please Caden.. I'm sorry..” I pleaded once again. Suddenly he shoved my arms away from in forcefully while it knocked against the wall behind me. He pushed me against the wall harshly, but not hard enough to leave bruises and threatened “If you ever ignore me again we are over Alesana. And don't even think of telling Hayden about this. You're nothing to him. Just his silly employee.”

I only nodded my head while my hot tears streamed down my face. What had I gotten myself into? I thought as I slit down the wall and buried my head in my hands. He left without so much as a second glance. There was no warmth in his eyes. Only fury. After about n hour of crying, I slowly stood up and made  my way towards my bathroom. My left hand had hit the wall so hard that it slightly cracked open and was bleeding. I don’t think he noticed how hard he shoved my hands away from him. I saw the guilt in his eyes and I knew that he would regret what he did later on. I just hoped it wouldn’t happen again.

I got into the bath and inspected the bruises that now covered my wrists as well as my fists where they knocked the wall behind me. After washing myself and getting out of the bath, I got dressed in Hayden’s hoodie again, it gave me some sense of comfort. As if he was still there with me. I got into my bed and was about to fall asleep when my phone chimed. Fearing that it could be Caden, I quickly grabbed it, hurting my wrists more in the process.

Good night. Thank you for today. I miss you already. I promise you I'll never let anything happen to you ever again. You are my best friend Alesana. I know I shouldn’t have kissed you, I’m sorry about that. I don’t want to lose you again.

Good night Hayden. You're the best ever! I miss you too. You won’t lose me because of the kiss Hayden. I was part of it as much as you were, so don’t feel too guilty. See you tomorrow boss ;)

Uhg! Again with the boss thing. You’re making me contemplate on firing you ;-) Just kidding! Trust me, I know you were part of that kiss too. That is probably what made it so incredible. I won’t say anything about it again though, I don’t want you to be in trouble with Caden. It can be our secret. Xx

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