Chapter 21: Will You Help Him Please?

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At first, Caden didn’t say anything but then he slowly stretched out his hand towards Alex. “Hi, I’m Caden. Thank you for returning Zach to us, but I need to know how and why you did it.” Alex then started to explain to both Caden as well as Hayden what he had told me what he knew about the kidnapping.

“I saw Zach’s pictures on the news one day and I remember thinking to myself, I feel so sorry for the parents of this precious child. He looked like a little angel you know, and my heart ached for him and his parents. Then, last week when I came home to my sister, I saw that she suddenly had a boy that looked a lot like Zach. I decided to Google the boy again and when I realized it was the same kid, I tried to convince her to give him back. She refused, saying that he was her son now and that she will say I was an accomplice if I try to report her. Then I decided to get in contact with Alexis to give her son back.”

Once again, the table was met with silence, except for Zach’s little giggles and mumbles. Then after what felt like eternity, Hayden spoke up while placing his hand on my knee underneath the table. The touch sent shivers down my spine, and I instantly wanted to curl into his arms and just lay there quietly, but we had more important things to do.

“Fine, let’s say I believe you, Alex, what is it that you want in return. I mean, obviously you want something or else I wouldn’t be here.” Hayden says impatiently. His gaze penetrates into Alex’s eyes and I can see him shifting somewhat uncomfortably. One thing about Hayden is that he definitely knows how to intimidate someone so I don’t blame Alex for squirming under his gaze.

“Alex wanted Caden to be able to protect him from his sister, so that nothing will happen to him, you know with her claiming he’s an accomplice, and I suggested that he might need the best prosecutor in the world on his side to defend him if it happens that she decided to lie about him.”

Hayden looks at me while searching my eyes for something unknown and then his grip on my leg tightens. “Alright, if Caden can find that you’re innocent then I will help you because I trust Alesana’s judgement. If she believes you’re innocent, then fine. But if I find out that you had anything to do with taking our son away from us, then I will personally hunt you down. Understood?”

Our son. That’s the only thing that registered in Hayden’s entire speech. He referred to Zach as his son too. I mean, sure I made him the godparent but I didn’t expect that he would refer to Zach as his own. The thought made me feel all fuzzy on the inside and I couldn’t help but wish that Hayden could be Zach’s dad now. He needed someone like Hayden.

“Ye..yes I understand Hayden. I uh.. thank you for giving me a chance.” Alex mumbles out nervously.

“What’s your sister’s name Alex?” Caden asked. Only then did it actually dawn on me that I haven’t even asked the most important question yet. Who kidnapped my son? I can’t believe I let such an important thing slip from my mind.  

Alex’s eyes shift directly to Hayden’s and then he whispers in a low voice, “Violet.. Violet Morrison.”

I let out a gasp when I hear who it is that’s responsible for kidnapping my son. My eyes immediately snap up to Hayden’s eyes and I’m met with cold and hateful eyes. He seems furious at the news we had just found out. His ex girlfriend kidnapped my son? But how? I mean.. they practically lived together so how did she hide Zach away from Hayden?

Hayden moves to remove his hand from my knee, but I reach down and clutch his hand in mine. His death grip causes my hand to ache slightly but I don’t remove my hands from his. He needs my comfort now, because he now realizes he spent so many years of his life with someone who kidnapped an innocent little boy.

“Okay. I know how we can get her caught.” Hayden says suddenly. All of us direct our attention to him while Zach is happily chewing away on his chocolate ice cream and choc chips. At least he is okay.

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