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"Greedy aren't you?"

"Kiss~" Kihyun whines, pouting his lips so that they stick out and look kissable.

"You know at one point in time I thought you were asexual. And this was when we were dating."

"Hyunwoo~ You're so mean to me," Kihyun huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Isn't that a plot twist?" The older asks with a teasing smile on his lips.

"I hate you," Kihyun whispers, turning his body to look past Hyunwoo and at the television, which was airing some cooking show.

"Normally, couples exchange 'I love you's," the older points out, but Kihyun ignores him.

Of course he would. He's not getting his kiss.

"You're so cute when you're angry," Hyunwoo compliments, and Kihyun shifts uncomfortably, because is a compliment, and Kihyun is a sucker for praise.

Slowly, Hyunwoo shifts closer to Kihyun, as if he was making a move on him for the first time.

Kihyun suddenly had the urge to uncross his legs just so that Hyunwoo could stay far away from him.

But he didn't.

Instead he anxiously glanced around dorm, because as much as he hates to admit it, his boyfriend still made him nervous.

"Ah, when are the others going to be back?" Kihyun asks, trying to sound legit and not like he was asking a stupid question to get Hyunwoo to back off. Even if that's exactly what he was doing.

"Hyun-ah," Hyunwoo taunts, using his hands to uncross Kihyun's legs. "You seen nervous?" The older's questions more than states, running a hand up and down Kihyun's thigh.

"Why would you make me nervous, you big goof," the shorter weakly retorts, refusing to make eye contact with Hyunwoo.

Instead of voicing a retort, Hyunwoo crawls between the younger's legs, which were now uncrossed, until he was looming over Kihyun.

Against his will, Kihyun's breath picks up, in a way he's pretty sure Hyunwoo could hear.

"Baby?" Kihyun hates how he flushes and whimpers at the name. "Do I make you nervous?"

Hyunwoo was having so much fun and believe him, Kihyun knew that, and oh how he just wanted to put the older in his place. But his vulnerable position didn't allow for him to do that.

"You're so pretty Kihyunnie," Hyunwoo compliments, cupping one of Kihyun's red cheeks, stroking a thumb across the hot skin.

Finally, finally Kihyun looks in the older's direction, feeling so much embarrassment and vulnerability from their current predicament.

Even though he was feeling those emotions, he couldn't tell you how many times he's found himself in a similar scenario, pinned down with his boyfriend on top of him.

That fact doesn't lessen the blow to his pride though.

"Love you hyung," the younger suddenly mumbles, staring directly into Hyunwoo's eyes.

The taller a tad taken aback, but then he recalls how Kihyun's sudden confession isn't something that shouldn't surprise him.

Sometimes the younger boyfriend has those times where he gets overwhelmed with the affection he has for Hyunwoo and completely lets his guard down.

Along with being extremely adorable, Hyunwoo thought it was endearing.

"I love you too Hyun," the older smiles, leaning down and finally granting Kihyun's wish, which got them into this situation in the first place.


"Humpty Dumpty climbed up a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall," Kihyun gasps, doing a twirl before sprinkling a dash of salt into his stew. "Poor Humpty."

"You're so gay. And I mean I'm fine with that, I'm the gayest of them all, but you're so gay," Minhyuk stresses, walking through the kitchen after hearing Kihyun's story.

"Go lick Changkyun," Kihyun retorts, childishly sticking his tongue out.

"Already did!"

Kihyun could roll his eyes, mad at himself for not seeing that Minhyuk had obviously already licked the maknae.

"Sometimes," a voice starts, scaring Kihyun to the point where he almost died. Literally.

"Lee Hoseok-" Kihyun starts, but gets interrupted by Hoseok opening his mouth to say something. Since the younger already has a pretty good idea of what he would've said, he continues to retort to whatever Hoseok would've said before he says it. "Do I look like I care if it's Shin Hoseok? I will call you by the name your mother gave you and if you insist on having the shin, I could give you face full." The younger finishes his sassing by raising a testing eyebrow.

"Sometimes," the older starts again after clearing his throat. "Sometimes Minhyuk reminds me of this guy who'd come into my dreams when I was fourteen."

"Why kind of dreams? Are you even sure it's a dream, Minhyuk was in it," Kihyun says, only slightly interested.

"Yes they were dreams. And it was of this fairy who was really tiny, and he'd always wear pastel peach. Every time I had that dream, the fairy would just hum the words 'dick' and 'glitter' continuously, sometimes doing a dance too."

Kihyun wanted to ask Hoseok to stop, but at the same time didn't. He didn't know where this was going, but hey, adventure is adventure, right?

"The best part; after a year of having that dream, I came out to my parents as gay."

"Not even bi?" Kihyun asks, surprised because, damn what a powerful fairy.

Hoseok shakes his head.

"Nope, gay. And to this day, I swear the fairy was Minhyuk. I mean I'm pretty sure I've heard him mutter the words 'dick' and 'glitter' before in his sleep, before and after we debuted!"

Kihyun wanted to say that Hoseok was being ridiculous, but after giving it a second's more thought, the fairy did things which seemed like things Minhyuk would do.

"I just have one question though," the younger starts, placing a hand on his hip before continuing. "I didn't raise a bottom did I?"

"Hey, that's exactly what my mom said!"


i started this chapter with the vision of showki fluff but then a wildt gay Minhyuk appeared in my thoughts so

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