;twenty three

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"Seokie hyung come to bed," Hyungwon whines, stomping his foot childishly while crossing his arms and pouting.

What? He can't help it. It was nighttime and Hoseok wasn't coming to bed, and all Hyungwon wanted to do was cuddle and have a good sleep. But he couldn't do that if Hoseok's presence wasn't there in the bed with him.

"Give me a second," Hoseok mutters, squinting as he brings a piece of paper up to his face.

For the nth time that night, Hoseok sighs, throwing the piece of paper down onto his desk and rolling back in his spin chair.

He throws his head back and closes his eyes, taking a deep breath in through his nose.

"Hyung?" Hyungwon questions softly, seeming to be cautious because he didn't know if Hoseok was gonna pop his top or if it was safe to approach him.

"C'mere," Hoseok suddenly mumbles, parting his legs slightly and then patting his thighs. "Sit here."

Hesitantly, Hyungwon does make his way over, straddling the older boy's waist like instructed.

Sighing out in relaxation, Hoseok rests his head against Hyungwon's shoulder, letting the tension leave his muscles simply by having Hyungwon so close to him.

The younger starts carding his fingers through Hoseok's hair, keeping the older boy's head close to his shoulder.

After a few more comforting minutes, Hoseok kisses Hyungwon's shoulder and proceeds to shrug him off a bit, smiling stressfully up at the taller's face before pecking the corner of his lips.

"Thank you baby," Hoseok says, and Hyungwon blushes at the pet name before stuttering.

"N-No problem. Sleep now?" He asks, eyes holding a hopeful glint, and well Hoseok can't say no to Hyungwon.



The next morning, everyone was hustling to get out the door to get to the studio.

Today, they had recording.

"Head count," Hyunwoo mumbles when everyone was putting on their shoes. "One, two, three, four, five...?"

The leader counts again, to make sure he wasn't tripping, before confirming that yes, there were only five other members excluding him, which meant six including him, which was bad because where's the seventh?

"Kihyunnie!" Hyunwoo calls across the dorm, sighing out impatiently as Kihyun stumbles through the hallway, struggling to put on his cardigan while he's sprinting to put on his shoes. "What were you doing?"

Kihyun ignores his boyfriend, quickly stomping his feet into his shoes, grabbing his keys and holding the door open for everyone to leave through.

"Let's go!" He calls, ushering the band outside, locking the door once he himself steps outside.

"What were you-"

Kihyun cuts Hyunwoo off by shortly and sweetly pecking his lips, grinning right in his face right after.

"Can you tell hyung?" The younger asks, keeping the broad smile on his face. "I did my makeup."

Truthfully, if Hyunwoo's being honest, he didn't notice that Kihyun was wearing makeup, because he always sees Kihyun with makeup on.

Whenever they head outside, everyone's basically wearing makeup. It's actually when Kihyun's not wearing makeup that surprises Hyunwoo.

"Hm, you did," the leader nonetheless smiles, cupping one of Kihyun's cheeks. "It looks good on you."

Kihyun beams at the compliment, smiling brightly once more before getting into the car beside Minhyuk and Jooheon.

Hyunwoo takes his seat beside the manager, and they all get going to the studio.


"I narrowed it down Wonnie," Hoseok whispers, dragging the taller male to a secluded corner of the hallway.

"Hm?" Hyungwon asks confused, furrowing his eyebrows.

Hoseok excitedly bites his lip as his eyes shine brightly, proud of himself for narrowing down the possible people who could've been leaving Kihyun those notes.

"Wait- Wait for that?" Hyungwon suddenly asks, realization kicking into his senses.

Hoseok nods enthusiastically once again.

But slowly, the smile fades off of his features and is replaced with a dark, angry look.

Before Hyungwon could question the sudden change of emotion, Hoseok speaks.

"It's someone from the company. They work here. That's all I have so far," Hoseok sighs, frowning a tad as he realizes how unhelpful that information actually is. It only barely narrows it down, just barely.

"Hey," the younger boy says softly, noticing his hyung's frown. "It's a start," Hyungwon encourages, and Hoseok nods before perking up again.

"But you can't tell Kihyun," he instructs.

"Huh?" Hyungwon asks, confused because why weren't they allowed to tell Kihyun?

"Don't let him worry about it," Hoseok explains, sighing while leaning back against the wall. "I just want him to forget about it."

Hyungwon hums in agreement, seeing where Hoseok is coming from.

All anyone in the band wants to do at this point in time was to catch the person who made their Kihyun so upset.

But Hoseok has nicely asked them if he could tackle this on his own, feeling as if it was his job.

He feels kind of guilty for not being able to notice the many times Kihyun was off or seemed to be feeling upset because of these notes.

He's supposed to be Kihyun's best friend, he's supposed to understand these things.

Because those were the feelings Hoseok was sporting, the members let him handle it.

But now all that was worrying them was if Kihyun were to slip into another predicament.

Obviously, that's not what they want for him, which is why they all try very hard to keep him in a good mood all the time.

And they do that in subtle ways, so Kihyun has no idea, because he's just so used to the members naturally being nice and such.

Although, I could tell you right now that he would want to gift each of them the world as a thanks if he were to ever find out.

On more levels than one, Kihyun is grateful for him members.

They do a lot of him, in many different ways, and in return Kihyun makes himself useful.

Their dynamics were very interesting, very loving.

"Let's get back to recording before they get suspicious," Hoseok advises, and the younger uncharacteristically smirks before leaning down a tad and pressing a peck onto Hoseok's lips.

The older looks at Hyungwon with wide eyes.

"Couldn't let this opportunity to go waste," Hyungwon shrugs while explaining, shooting a wink at Hoseok before turning around and striding back to the recording room.

This leaves Hoseok to choke on air, because since when was his Hyungwon so damn flirtatious?


i'm in love with physics

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