Special Chapter #3

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"Leave and don't come back for your sanity!" Minhyuk screeches, pushing a half asleep Changkyun and Jooheon out the front door.

"It's six in the damn morning!" Jooheon mumbles tiredly, his voice still having an edge to it. Of course it did; Minhyuk had just forcefully ripped him out of slumber.

"Where are we even going?" The maknae asks, groaning when Minhyuk was out of the dorm, locking the door and finally turning around to the two youngest.

"Hoseok and Hyungwon are waiting in the car, let's go!" He says, shoving them towards where the car is parked.

"You didn't answer my question!" Changkyun says irritably.

"It's Valentine's day," Minhyuk
plainly says.

"So?" Jooheon ask, raising an eyebrow, because where was Minhyuk going with this?

"Hyunwoo's probably going to fuck Kihyun's brains out. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not stick around to listen to that."

Jooheon's mouth is agape, while Changkyun has his open in understanding.

"Use your filter god damnit, you have one for a reason!" Jooheon cries, throwing himself into the car once it was in sight.

"Today, let's tour Korea."

So that's what they did.


Kihyun didn't remember it was Valentine's day.

Yes, okay. Say it. He knows he fucked up, he knows. Especially because he's one of the only people who know that Hyunwoo is secretly a huge softie and romantic, he feels absolutely terrible for forgetting what should be a special day.

But he was still determined to make this day absolutely amazing for Hyunwoo.

He woke up earlier than usual, at 5:30am. This left him a lot of time to think of a game plan.

"Breakfast isn't romantic anymore," Kihyun whispers to himself, furrowing his eyebrows as he thinks of something else he could prepare to swoon Hyunwoo off of his feet. He always makes breakfast for Hyunwoo anyways, you could only enjoy Kihyun's breakfast so many times until it stops being special.

"Lunch is cute," he murmurs, proceeding to create a menu. They went grocery shopping a few days ago, thank God they did, so he knows they're stocked.

Once the menu was out of the way, Kihyun starts thinking of presents.

What could he gift his boyfriend?


"After spending so many of them with you, Valentine's day is overrated."

"Thank God you were the first one to admit it. I didn't know how to break it to you."

So it turns out, that Hyunwoo hates Valentine's day as much as Kihyun does.

The thought hadn't occurred to Kihyun, since their first Valentine's day spent together was extravagant, courtesy of Hyunwoo. Since then, Kihyun was convinced Hyunwoo was a sap, and that he enjoyed everything that was sickeningly sweet on Valentine's day.

Turns out, he was wrong.

And he was so glad that he was.

Sure, dates were cute. A whole day dedicated to only you and your significant other was cute too.

But honestly, Kihyun despised the burden Valentine's day brought. It was indeed stressful to plan the perfect day, from waking up in the morning to hitting the mattress at the end.

Hyunwoo though it was stressful too, and in the end, this common thought was simply another thing which made them more compatible.

"The boys left," Kihyun points out after their previous topic of conversation was dismissed. "So we can do whatever we want."

"You sound suggestive," Hyunwoo snorts, and Kihyun finds himself slapping the elder's lapel before perching himself next to him on the couch.

"I don't mean anything suggestive. I'm just saying that we're alone."

"That still sounds hella suggestive."

"Fuck off."

But in the end, since they were indeed alone, and simply vanilla in all ways, they spent the entire day watching horrible fifties movies.

Stolen kisses were shared and in the end, it all just seemed like a long casual date.

But they were okay with that. Because they were both happy.

And after all, that's all that matters. Just to the two of them being completely, one hundred percent, happy.

In some way, I guess you could say their ideology made them kind of domestic.


crack. down. bye. thank you. support mx because that's what they deserve. actually they deserve more but you get what i mean.

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