Causing Trouble

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Let's just jump straight into the story, have fun...

The young girl looked out over the gorgeous view of Neverland, the evening was coming in fast and the sun was setting over the mountains. Birds flew around below you and your legs dangled off the edge of the enormous treehouse. From the ground Neverland was pretty creepy, with Pan, his lost boys and dark magic everywhere you were proud of yourself for choosing to make your camp in a magically grown tree. It was the biggest tree on the island and, thanks to your magic, it was only visible to people you wanted it to be.

"I have news," A female voice came from behind you disturbing your peacefulness, you didn't move as someone sat down next to you.

"What's up?" You eventually ask your second in command Ayra. She was tall, jet black hair, she was incredibly loyal which you prized greatly. She was very introverted when she meets new people but secretly likes to be with other people.

"Pan. That's what's up," she complained, Ayra had a strong dislike for the boy like a demon or the demon-like boy, whichever you prefer.

"What's he done now?" You ask closing your eyes as you relaxed.

"You know that kid his shadow brought?"

"What about him?" You asked sounding mildly interested.

"One of the girls told me they heard Pan talking to Felix and Pan said the kid has the heart of the truest believer," she said a smirk playing on her face.

You snapped your eyes open, "Really?"

"Yep," she replied popping the p, "And there is a group of losers here from Storybrooke to try and rescue him. Including the savour."

You joined her in smirking at this piece of information. "You know what I think Ayra?" you ask an idea coming to your head, "I think we should play a little game, go and get the girls I have an idea."

She nodded, got up and jogged away towards the ropes that led to the main room where the rest of the girls would be. You had one goal in mind, torment, ruin and distract Pan from whatever plan he had come up with, there was no particular reason for this. The thought of messing with him was good enough for you.

The others had all been briefed on your plan to ruin Pan's plans now all you needed to do was get it started. You had used your magic and transformed yourself into a pearl white, half see-through spirit, you wore a white flowery dress, hair down and no shoes.

Your bet was this believer kid didn't know much about the island and Pan wouldn't have told him about you and your group of girls yet. You were going to lure the kid away from the group of boys and talk to him, you just hoped Pan wouldn't be attached to him like a mermaid when she falls in love. You flew silently and smoothly off a platform on the treehouse and towards the patch of the dark forest you knew Pan's camp was hidden in.

Henry POV

After being put in the camp Henry had been quiet. He tried to make himself as small as possible and not be noticed, which made him an easy target for the older lost boys. All Henry wanted was to be back in Storybrook with Mary-Margaret, Emma, Regina and everyone he cared about. As much as he really wanted to save magic, he wanted to be at home, he was missing it. He knew Pan was watching him so Henry sat on a log and faced the dark forest around the camp.

Suddenly, over the sound of the lost boys talking and the crackle of the fire, he heard a voice calling him.


It was a female one voice echoing around him like he was in a giant cave. He looked around, no one else could seem to hear it, not even Pan. "Henry," it echoed again making the hairs on his arms stand up.

"Who's there?" Henry asked quietly slightly scared.

The voice didn't reply but Henry saw a white light coming from in the forest. He had the urge to follow the light, but what if Pan saw him he'd get in trouble for wandering off. "He won't see you," the voice told him as if she had read his mind. Feeling brave Henry slid off his log and followed the light.

He followed it for a minute until he was in a small clearing and the source of the light was revealed. A girl around 18 was hovering a meter off the floor. She wasn't facing Henry so he couldn't see her face. Gathering up his courage Henry asked, "Who are you?"

You slowly turned around, Henry tried not to gasp he thought she was beautiful.
"Who are you? Why were you talking to me?" he repeated.

"You seemed different to the other lost boys, Why are you here Henry?" Your voice was soft and gentle, it reminded him of Emma so he felt comforted by your presence.

"How do you know my name?" You smiled at him,

"I hear everything."

"Pan told me I have the heart of the truest believer, I'm here to save magic," you tried to act like this information was new to you, you knew Pan very well but not well enough to guess what he was planning.

"That makes sense, your heart is very pure," you told him.

"I have so many questions about Neverland. Can you help me?" you contemplated his question.

"I can try to help you," you nodded, he walked slightly closer to you eagerly.

"Why are the children crying at night?" he asked, you could answer that question easily, but Henry couldn't find out who you really were.

"Because they miss their families some of the younger boys on the island are younger than you, they miss their parents, the comforts of home. They miss their mothers and fathers," you told him.

"Pan keeps warning me to stay in camp, he says this island is home to many dangerous creatures. He told me there is another power on this island that even rivals his magic......" he paused, "That power isn't you is it?" he asked warily taking a step back.

"Me? no" you laughed softly, "I am a mere spirit that lives here, the power that Pan talks about is... well, you will find out soon."

"How can I get ho......." he was cut off by the voice of a British male floating towards them from the direction of the camp.

"Henry, where are you?"

"I need to go," you whispered urgently, "I'll come and talk to you tomorrow meet me back here same time," he nodded and you vanished into thin air.

There was a sound of rustling branches and Pan appeared with his second in command Felix, Nibs his 3rd and another lost boy closely behind him.

"What are you doing out here?" Pan asked suspiciously raising one of his eyebrows.

"I was just," Henry looked at the spot you had vanished then back at Pan, "Nothing, I was just thinking."

"Well, you can think back in camp, you don't want to meet some of the creatures out here at night. Go back to camp." Henry scuttled away quickly with the other lost boy behind him.

"Who do you think he was talking to?" Felix asked in a low voice, Nibs leaned closer to hear better.

"I'm not sure, but if it's those girls we have to be careful. Y/N and her girls can be a problem unless we're very careful. They could ruin our whole plan," Pan told them.

"What do we do?" Nibs asked glancing around to make sure no one was watching them.

"I'm not sure yet. Y/N is too powerful to trap and her girls are too loyal to tell us their plans. For now, keep an eye on Henry and just hope he wasn't talking to her, it's highly likely though."

Felix and Nibs nodded before following Pan back to their camp. You had been hiding behind a nearby tree listening to their conversation. They suspected you were involved but they didn't have proof yet, you would keep your word and come back and see Henry tomorrow, he seemed like a fish swimming right into Pan's trap.

Wassup, I decided to go straight into the action. No one likes boring stuff. Hope you liked it, you know what to do if you did.

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