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You woke up slightly earlier than normal, the view of the golden sky as the sun rose over the horizon was stunning. It was probably the only reason you stayed after you and Pan argued, beauty like this was almost impossible to find anywhere else.

After getting dressed you walked into the main room, everything was quiet. The fire from last night was gone apart from a few glowing embers.

You were surprised, when you looked in Arya's room, that she was still sound asleep. You smiled slightly at how peaceful she looked and closed the door. You glided over to Henry'a room and saw, he too, was sound asleep.

Now would be the perfect time to talk to Pan, if Henry woke up and you still weren't back Ayra would make something up. She was used to you disappearing for days and always covered for you.

Sooner than you expected you found yourself in Pan's camp. All the boys here were asleep as well, no wonder Henry looked pleased when Ayra showed him a bed most boys here sleep on the floor, Felix was in a hammock between two trees, one of his legs dangling out and his cloak pulled low over his face. Like Ayra, he looked so peaceful when he slept, very different from their awake versions.

Remembering you came here to talk to Pan you shook your head and walked over to his tent, you could tell he was awake because you could see him moving around between the gap in the canvas doors. The only problem was he was shirtless, damn, taking a deep breath you stepped into the tent.

"Morning," You say casually leaning against one of his chest of draws and looking everywhere but at him. 

"Hello darling," He greeted watching you avoid eye contact with him. You saw him, out of the corner of your eye, deliberately walk in front of you forcing you to look at him. "Anything wrong?" He asked smirking.

"No, no," You answered quickly staring at the ceiling. He chuckled stepping a bit closer, you couldn't help yourself but glance quickly at his torso.

His carved abs and broad shoulders looked back at you. "Like what you see?" He continued smirking. You looked up at him your answer was pretty obvious, "Not that I'm complaining, but why are you here?" He asked putting his hands on your waist and gently kissing along your jawline. 

"I came to tell you about Henry," You informed him tangling your fingers into his brown waves.

"How is he?" He asked kissing your lips gently, you kissed him back. He was so irresistible. 

"Fine. He took the bait," You told him between kisses.

"Never doubted you for a second darling." Even a little compliment like that would make anyone's confidence soar.

"What's the next part of the plan?" You ask stopping the kissing. His hands slipped under your thighs and lifted you onto the surface of the chest of draws behind you. You rested your arms around his neck and his were gently caressing your legs. 

"I have some things to sort out with the group. All I need you to do is keep Henry entertained for a while. Teach him to hunt, the difference between the berries, that kind of thing." He told you resuming kissing your neck.

"If you say so." You smiled, he made you so happy. You ran your hand down his muscled chest feeling the dips and rises of his abs. It was a nice feeling his strong arms holding you, soft lips kissing. You really did love him, you never stopped and probably will never stop.

Voices and movement for the boys outside made you break apart and gaze into his eyes. "I need to get going, Henry will be waking up soon." You told him pushing him away with one hand and sliding off the chest. He took your hand in his and kissed it softly making butterflies surge through you. You looked away blushing. 

"You're so cute." He leaned down and kissed you deeply one more time. You felt yourself melting into him but you stopped yourself before it became anything else.

"I'll keep you updated on Henry," He nodded and pulled his shirt on.

"I'll let you know if anything happens with the rescue team." You nod and slip out the tent, you quickly flew into the sky before any boys really noticed you were there.

Back in the treehouse, Henry was sat apart from the others while eating breakfast.
"All ok?" You check with Ayra landing. She nodded, "I'm going to take Henry out today, keep the girls busy." She nodded again unable to answer due to the porridge in her mouth. You rolled your eye chuckling and walked over to Henry.

"Morning," you smiled to him sitting down.
"Hey," he smiled back putting his mango down, "What are we doing today?"
"What do you want to do?" You ask sounding friendly.
"Can you teach me to do cool stuff?" he asked unsurely.
"What type of cool stuff?" You tilted your head to the side curiously.
"Hunt, use a sword, tell the difference between good and bad berries... that type of thing," he suggested. "Sure," You reply quickly.
"Really?" He sounded surprised you said yes.
"Can we go now?" You nod, "I'm going to get my shoes!" He ran excitedly back to him room to get them. You as your shadow watching from the doorway to your room, you raised your eyebrows at it and it vanished.

Henry ran back over a second later with the boot you had put in there, it was working. He had left his shoes from home behind. "Ready?" He nodded excitedly, "Good, this way."

You led him to one of the zip lines that would take you towards the west of the island and hopefully away from the rescue group. You pass him a bit of material. "Put it like this," You showed him how to loop it over the rope, "Then off you go!" He looked unsure for a second before slowly going off the side. "WOAH!" He shouted gaining speed. You laughed before flying off the platform and diving after him.

"That was awesome!" He laughed a gleeful smile that stretched across his whole face.
"This way," You laugh leading him over to a clearing.

In the clearing was a patch of bushes and different type of plants. You picked a blue berry and ate it. "You can eat these ones, they don't taste great but you can," He nodded and picked one himself and ate it, he pulled a face at their sour taste.

"These ones," You lead him over to a patch of red berries, "You can't eat. Remember it as red is dangerous."
"Okay," He agreed avoiding them.
"Don't worry you can touch them, just not eat. They are you if you want to poison someone, crush them up and use them for something like that," He looked at you with wide eyes. "Just an idea," you reassured him laughing.

You walked over to a group of vines covered in thorns, "These are incredibly dangerous. The thorns are covered in a poison. You might have heard of it, called Dreamshade."

You watched him stare at the poison dripping, with a curious expression on his face.
"Is there a cure?" He asked his voice going slightly high.
"For those who know what to do, yes," You replied mysteriously.
"What is it?"

You thought for a second before answering. "There is a place on the island where water flows out of a mountain. If you were to drink the water, you would survive. But it's using magic and every magic has a price, no exception."

He didn't say anything, just continued to look at it his eyebrows together.

"Come on let's go back for lunch after we can do more physical fighting if you like?" You suggested. He snapped out of his daze and followed you out the clearing, "Yeah, sounds fun." He smiled as you walking back towards the tree house.

Heya hoomans, I know it's been ages since I updated. Sorry, I will start to update more regularly.
You know what to do if you enjoyed, chuck me a follow it would mean a lot.
Bye guys AFG❤️

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