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You glanced at your reflection in the mirror checking your outfit one last time before you 'kidnapped' Henry. 

Pan's shadow had informed you of some extra details earlier that day and one of those details was to wear something modern that looked like you could buy it back in Storybrooke. The Shadow had said it would give Henry more reason to trust you if he saw you wearing something he associated with his home. So jeans and a t-shirt it was.

You could feel your heart pounding, pumping adrenaline around your body making you nervous and excited. The girls who would be accompanying you and Ayra were sat in the main room sharpening swords, coating arrows in the deadly Dreamshade or gazing unblinkingly into the fire in the centre of the platform.

You walked into the main platform, Neverland was dark and cloudy tonight but it was still warm. Ayra walked up to you, "I'm bored and getting anxious when do we go?" Her voice was harsh and irritated she was obviously nervous too.

"Whenever Pan gives the signal," you replied calmly not looking at her.

"How long will he be?" She asked impatiently,

"Hopefully not long," you told to her slowly.

Finally, after another 20 minutes of waiting you felt a magical wave pass through you. That was Pan's signal. "Alright girls you know the plan, let's do this," you yelled to them. They sprung to their feet shouting loud war cries as they jumped into the zip lines. You nodded to Ayra before she grabbed the rope and you flew off the platform down towards the trees.

When you landed the majority of the girls were crouched down waiting for you. When Ayra arrived last you nodded and they followed you silently weapons drawn.

You paused and they all halted, you nodded for a second time and they began to disperse left and right of you in a line about 3 or 4 metres between them. This way it gave you more ground to use instead of being in a clump, it also looked like something out of a war movie, pretty cool.

You continued moving forward stealthily listening out for any approaching Lost Boys, although Pan had said most of the boys would be gone anyway. The only sounds that were heard however were the quiet rustling of the girls either side of you and the distant sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

You reached the outside of Pan's camp and stopped again. You peered around a tree that was in front of you looking around the empty camp. You spotted Henry asleep on the floor near a big tree to the left, the campfire in the middle of the clearing was crackling happily and 5 young boys were crowded around it. They looked about 14-15 so they wouldn't put up much of a fight, you didn't really want to knock any other them out but you wouldn't have a choice if they fought back hard enough.

You pulled yourself back behind the tree and looked at the girls watching you, waiting for orders. You could feel your heart pounding, even though this wasn't a dangerous mission it had been a while since one like this had happened. The missions you would plan for the girls fun would never have anything to risk but Henry was the risky part of this mission.

You finally nodded to the girls and they tightened their grip on their weapons. You took a deep breath before walking casually into the camp humming slightly to yourself.

The Lost Boys immediately jumped up pointing spears, arrows and daggers at you. You raised your hands in mock surrender smiling slightly. "What are you doing here?" One of them yelled pointing his spear at your face.

Him yelling woke Henry up, a detail Pan had been certain he wanted to be included, Henry had to be awake to watch the Lost Boys and you argue which proved Henry was important. "What's going on?" He asked dazedly still half asleep. No one said anything for a second, he rubbed his eyes and looked around again. His eyes flicked over you and the Lost Boys in fight position, he was suddenly wide awake when he realised what was going on. He jumped to his feet and backed against the tree nervously, he looked you up and down his eyes wide. Which indicated to you he knew exactly who you were. 

"Why are you here?" The lost boy with the spear repeated glaring at you.

"Pan has something I want," you reply simply eyes flicking over to Henry and back to the lost boys again.

"Him?" They look confused at Henry who shrugs nervously.

"Listen here, Y/N," the oldest said bravely stepping forward bravely. "Pan has told us to guard Henry with our lives and you will have to go through all four of us to get to him. As there is only one of you and three of us I think we all know who is going to win," his cocky tone annoyed you.

You forced your face into a smile before saying, "Oh, don't worry I didn't want to be alone today, so I brought some company," you put two fingers in your mouth and whistled signalling the girls to come out.

They loomed out of the dark forest like shadows pointing their weapons at the boys. There were over triple girls than the boys now. They panicked when the girls appeared clearly having no idea what to do. Reluctantly they dropped their weapons and raised their hands in surrender.
"Tie them up over there," you pointed at a tree, a few girls quickly did it. The one who got mouthy however you magic pushed against a different tree.

"I don't like your attitude," you glared at him. "What do I do with you?" You asked yourself narrowing your eyes. He didn't move, his face growing pale. "I know," you smirked evilly as an idea came into your head...

"Give Pan my regards," you called to the tied up lost boys, waving as you strolled out of camp. Henry was being half carried by Ayra behind you and the girls were around you in a circle.
"Mission success," you muttered to yourself as you headed back to the tree house.

Finally had time to update hope you enjoyed❤️

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