Peter Pan never fails

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"You want me to what?" You ask Peter slightly shocked after he told you the next phase of the plan.

"I need you to fake steal Henry off me," he repeated slowly.  

"Ok, why?"

"Because it will prove to the 'savour' that you and I aren't working together. They can't know we are. If you steal Henry off me it will look like you're just causing trouble for the sake of it, and also prove that you/re more powerful than me. They know you are more powerful than me anyway but they will panic and hope we won't join forces as we would be a tough force to fight together," he explained. You processed what he had said slowly.

After a pause, you said, "You thought all this out didn't you?"

He smirked slightly taking a casual step closer to you. "I'm just playing the game," he shrugged pulling an innocent face.

You scoffed, "The game you designed."

"Yes, well," he ran his finger over your jawline carefully standing closer to you, "Even the designer can make a mistake."

"Peter Pan never fails," you told him your hand instinctively tangling into his brown hair.

"That my dear Y/N is very true," was the last thing you heard before his lips crashed against yours and he was kissing you passionately.

You deliberately teased him by not responding for a second, annoyed he bit your bottom lip hard. You gasped out of pain, he took the opportunity to glide his tongue into your mouth. He knew exactly how you liked it, you gave up not responding and began kissing him back just as passionately. His hands were now on your waist pulling your shirt towards him, pulling you closer.

You hadn't even realised you had travelled backwards until your ankles hit his bed and he gently lowed you onto it, climbing on top of you.

You could feel the excitement in the air surrounding your close bodies. You thought about those cliche stories from the enchanted forest about true love and how you never believed them...... until you realised how much you had missed Peters touch.

You had missed his kiss, his scent, his voice, everything about him. It had been a very long time since you'd been this intimate together. Your shirt had been pulled up slightly and his fingers were caressing your bare waist. Your lips never broke contact as you smirked slightly at his confidence and dominance.

Eventually, you needed oxygen and he grudgingly pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours breathing heavily.

"I need to go," you whispered sadly.

"Let me hold you for a second longer," he whispered back his voice low.

"Don't go soft," you warned him smiling.

"I can be soft and hard for you," he whispered in your ear then getting and up pulling you to your feet. You felt your stomach do a strange backflip at his words and you had to look away from his smirking face. "That's for later though," he muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" You asked although you heard him perfectly clearly.

"Nothing," he chuckled before changing the subject quickly. "You know when to take Henry?"

"Yes, when the group go to the fake camp because Regina used magic on that map," you recited.

"Good good," he nodded approvingly, "The Lost Boys guarding Henry won't know about the plan so just knock them out." 

"Alright," you shrugged at his unconcern for his boys.

You began to walk towards the exit but he pulled you back. "Glad you missed me," he smirked kissing you gently again before realising you.

"See you around, Pan" you replied walking out of the tent and towards Ayra who was surprisingly talking to Felix as if they were friends.

"I trust few, Y/N is one of the only people, obviously," she was saying as you got closer.

"I'm like that I only trust Pan and Nibs a little bit," Felix agreed nodding. You drew closer and they looked at you.

"Sorry to interrupt but we are leaving now," you said coldly as many Lost Boys were watching you. Ayra nodded and stood up.

"Bye stupid," she waved to Felix before following you out, you spotted Felix smirking slightly to himself.

You walked a short distance out of camp before starting a conversation. "You and Felix seemed to get along well," Out of the corner of your eye you saw her blush slightly, it was the first time you had ever seen her blush and a small smile crept onto her face. But it was gone in an instant. 

"What did Pan say?" she changed the subject quickly.

"The next part of the plan," you told her blankly.

"Which is?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"All will be revealed soon," she rolled her eyes at your mysterious and unhelpful response.

"Don't worry you will find out soon, I'll tell the older girls the plan tomorrow," you informed her

"Only trusted ones will be coming, can't have this being messed up." 

"Which ones do you want?" She asked.

"I'll let you pick," you replied yawning, "I'm gonna fly back up I'm so tired. You good to walk?" She nodded before you rose gracefully off the forest floor and towards the tree.

You couldn't stop thinking about how he'd kissed you, it'd been full of passion, full of lust and emotion. He was right, you had missed his touch, you could barely remember why you stopped in the first place. Maybe the both of you had just drifted apart after the arguement and while he was looking for the heart of the Truest Believer. Either way, you were glad he had involved you in the plan.

You thought about Pan's plan. It was a risky plan but then again Pan was a risk-taker, which was part of the reason you liked him so much. He was very clever he had thought of every possible outcome, you couldn't help but think something was going to go wrong. Emma was clever and her combined with Rumples crafty mind and Hooks knowledge of the island.... it made you nervous. Let's just hope Pan was prepared to play the game..... even if he lost.

Heya guys I know it's been a while since an update. My exams are kinda stressful and my parents are wanting to move house as well so I'm stressing about that but I'll try to make updates more regular. Thank you for reading, you know what to do if you enjoyed❤️ Until next time.

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