Messing with the rescue team

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It was dark and you were getting ready for your first step in helping Pan with his plan.

Your first step was to make sure the rescue team knew what they were up against, you were well feared in the Enchanted Forest so Rumple, Regina and the Charmings were sure to know who you were and Hook had a bad meeting with you once before. Pan wanted you to be his unstoppable weapon, yes it sounded like he was just using you for your power but he couldn't do it without you. You knew where their camp was you were just thinking up with a cool enough entrance.

You landed a little way away and walked closer as quietly as you could. You pulled up the hood on your long cloak which shadowed over your face, they wouldn't recognise you until you took it off which gave you the upper hand.

You heard their low voices as you got closer, you hid in a dark patch of shadow and listened to their conversation.

"He will be okay we'll get him back," you heard a soft female voice, Snow White, she looked better with long hair in your opinion. She was patting a blonde woman on the back sat on a log by their fire.

You recognised Hook talking to Prince Charming, an unlikely friendship but there you go.

Regina was pacing around angrily talking to the Dark One.

"You just wandered off thinking you could find Henry all by yourself," she snapped at him.

"I know Pan better than anyone, I'm the most capable," Rumple retorted,

Regina just glared at him. "How is it so hard to get him we are dealing with one smug teenager. How hard can it be?" you snored quietly after her comment.

"He is may look like a boy, but he is a bloody demon," Hook added, you nodded in agreement slightly. Pan sure was a demon, but you were like Satan in comparison.

You reminded yourself you were meant to be doing something and you decided to let off a magical wave, it was an invisible blast like wave that only magic people could feel which would alert them to your presence.

Immediately Regina, Rumple and Emma looked up at the spot you were hidden in. "Someone's there," Emma stated the obvious standing up and drawing her sword, Regina ignited flames in her palms and Rumple stood ready to fight. Hook, Snow and lover Charming all got ready even though they didn't know why.

There was a moment of silence, you didn't move or speak. "How can you tell?" Hook asked quietly.

"There was a magic blast wave, a very powerful one at that," Rumple answered.

"What does that mean?" Snow asked worriedly.

"Someone with powerful magic is nearby," Regina answered her eyes narrowed trying to see what the person was. 

"Who's there?" Emma asked cautiously

"Come out," Regina added demandingly.

"What if it's Pan?" Snow asked clutching at her loverboy Charming.

"No, he'd have come out and gloated by now," Rumple said squinting trying to see you.

You almost laughed at this because it was very true. "Come out, now!" Emma said more forcefully trying not to let fear seep through her voice but you could almost taste it.

"As you wish," you chucked slightly taking a step forward. Their faces showed shock as they heard your voice, it was clearly not what they expected to hear.

You stepped out fully and they retreated slightly. "Take the hood off," Regina commanded.

"You sure you want me to do that?" you ask tilting your head to the side slightly.

"Don't question it just do it and we won't have to hurt you," Emma said still very wary.

"You couldn't hurt me if you tried," you laugh evilly.

"Oh yeah?" Regina challenged.

"Yes," you said taking off the hood and relieving your face.

Snow, Hook, Charming, Regina and Rumple all went very pale very quickly. "Who are you?" Emma asked and you turned to look at her.

"Ask them?" you say pointing to the others pale faces. Emma looked at the others worried faces, Regina's ignited flame had burnt out and died, just like her confidence.

"Who is she?"Emma repeated her question.

"She's...shes," Snow stuttered,

"Y/N Valenti, the most powerful person to every possess magic," Rumple finished, "She is more powerful than all of us, including Pan."

You bowed dramatically waving your arms and smirking. "How?" Emma asked, "How are you so powerful?"

"It's a good story remind me to tell you sometime. It got messy with an old woman and a lot of dead guards but I'll spare the gory details," you smiled friendly at her but your eyes screamed sarcasm.

"What do you want Y/N?" Rumple asked before Emma could respond again.

"Nothing more than to say hello," you smiled mischievously.

"Leave before something bad happens," Hook threatened slightly lazily.

"You can't do anything to me pirate," you spat at him, "You wouldn't want me to sink another one of your ships would you?" He looked at the floor clearly saddened by what you had reminded him of. "But," you raised your arms in the air in surrender, "I know when I'm not wanted." You slowly started to walk away, "That's if you ever want to see Henry alive again."

"Wait!" Emma said urgently, you smirked and turned around again knowing that she'd be the first one to crack at the mention of Henry.

"Where is he?" Snow asked an innocent look of worry on her face that irritated you greatly.

"Which part of him?" You asked seriously even thought to were trying not to laugh at the looks on their faces.

"Why you little!!" Charming ran at you, sword raised, but you vanished and reappeared behind them.

"You idiots never learn," you laughed as they spun around, "I can guarantee Henry is fine.... for now. I may not know what Pan is planning but it doesn't take a genius to work out it won't be good," you told them.

"So, you're not working with Pan?" Emma asked and you shock your head raising your eyebrows.

"We used to be close but those days are over," you lied easily.

"You were more than close," Hook sneered at you. You looked at him blankly, he was starting to annoy you.

"I'd be a careful pirate," you walked close to him until you were inches apart, "You wouldn't want to lose that tongue of yours. Someone else might miss it," you winked at Emma. You could sense the growing feelings they having for each other. Hook raised his arm to hit you but you vanish again reappearing a safe distance away.

"I must go now, I'll come back and talk another time. Until then, have fun running around in circles," you said waving and in the blink of an eye you had vanished. Leaving the very frustrated and confused rescue party behind.

You felt a falling sensation for a second before you reappeared in Pan's camp. The boys all froze staring at you. "Where's Pan?" you demanded one of the boys. He pointed behind you, you turned around and saw Pan walking towards you. You spotted Henry facing the other way, he was being distracted by Slightly and Nibs.

"This is not a good time to talk, well done on your part. I'll contact you when it's the next phase of the plan." You nodded the firelight catching your eyes.

All of the older boys thought you were very hot, you could tell they were looking at you because of Pan's face. You winked at him before vanishing into thin air.

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