Dream continued

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That strange boy haunted your thoughts for days after the incident. You knew you should have been terrified of going out again, in case he wasn't there to save you, but you sort of wanted it to happen again just so you could see him.

"Y/N," Fiona called you, "I need you to go back into the forest and get these things." She passed you a list and the usual basket. "Don't be long," then she walked away without saying anything else.

You signed in annoyance at having to go out again but then you realised you might be able to see that Peter Pan guy again. Feeling slightly excited you hurried out the door and back to the forest.

When you got into the forest the familiar feeling of being watched crept up on you again. For some reason, your gut instinct told you not to be worried because you knew who it was.

"I know your there, you might as well come out and keep me company," you spoke out loud.

"Not much gets past you does it?" a familiar British voice greeted. You turned and saw Pan's smug face, leaning casually against a tree.

He looked exactly the same, apart from he was wearing different clothes; these were a mismatch of green clothes patches. He had a belt around his waist with a dagger it's the sheath, his hood was gone and his brown hair was now fully showing. You had to admit he looked very handsome.

"I'm just not stupid," you couldn't help but smirk slightly.

"You don't seem the stupid kind," he rose an eyebrow standing up properly and walking towards you. "So, what are we getting today?" He pulling your list out the basket and started reading it. His eyes darting down the list, the lower he got the closer his eyebrows got together.

"She always asks for the same ingredients, maybe with one or two extras," you informed him starting to walk away and kneel down to pick up a plant.

"You know these are ingredients for a magic potion, right?" He stated catching up and giving you the list back.

"What do you mean?" You asked straightening up and looking at him confused, you knew very little about magic.

"The ingredients on that list are for a powerful magic potion," he repeated.

"What does the potion do?" You asked moving on again.

"Whoever drinks it gets magic."

You almost tripped over, "Seriously?"

"Yep, it's not a well-known potion. Very few know it and when I say very few I mean maybe one or two." You looked away from him your head working quickly.

Why would she want a magic potion?

"But that should be impossible, you have to be cured or born with magic to get it," you said not believing him.

"Not necessarily." Frowning at him you moved on for now but you knew you had more questions about it.

"Maybe she wants to be magic," you shrug.

"Maybe, or maybe she wants to give it to someone else," he suggested.

"Don't think so, she would want it for herself," you replied. He made a noise of understanding and fell silent.

"Does she go away a lot?" He asked eventually.

"Yeah sometimes, never tells me where or why though," you told him.

"Interesting," he muttered.

"What is?" You asked glancing around at him.

"Nothing," he shrugged. You seriously doubted it was nothing but didn't press him.

There was silence as you were both wrapped up in your own thoughts. If Peter was telling the truth, then the old woman was trying to make herself magic. But why would she want it? You didn't know much about magic so you couldn't come up with any possible theories.

"Can magic make you immortal?" You asked him thinking he would be more of an expert of the subject.

"One with magic can make themselves immortal, yes, but that's the thing with magic, it always comes with a price."

"Like what?" You pushed him becoming more interested in magic.

"It depends," he shrugged unhelpfully.

"Come on, please tell me," you begged him pouting.

He chuckled causing you to smile. "Well, I'm guessing you know about the Dark One?"

"Everyone knows about him," you answered, "So what about him?"

"You should learn patience, Y/N," he smirked leaning on a tree again.

"Why?" You argued raising an eyebrow.

He took a step closer to you and leaned down in your ear, "Good things come to those who wait." Shivers went down your spine and you closed your eyes momentarily at the feeling.

He chuckled like he had sensed the shivers go down you, it was a low sound that did nothing to improve your state. To try and regain some dignity you said, "Ok fine, I'm being patient."

"Good," he nodded walking away again.

For pure comedic purposes, you then said quickly, "So, what about The Dark One?"

He burst out laughing before he could stop himself and you joined in. "I've never met anyone like you," he chucked regaining himself.

"Of course you haven't." You shrugged turning away from him. He jogged to keep up and returned to explaining the ways of magic to you.

You enjoyed his company, he was the first real person you had been able to talk to in years.

"Rumplestiltskin will help someone if they don't have magic but only for a price that suits him," He told you.

"Like what?"

"Say you needed to find a loved one that had gone missing," he started.

"Yeah," You said trying to imagine it to make it easier to understand.

"You could go to him to ask him if your loved one is alive or dead." He finished.

"What's that got to do with prices?"

"Chill, I'm getting there," he chuckled and you rolled your eyes.

"He might tell you if it's true or not, he's probably more likely to tell you a riddle. But he would want payment. But not money," he added at the end.

"What would he ask for?" You asked forgetting about picking the plants and just focusing on what he was saying.

"Something of personal value," he said, "Any guesses at what?"

You thought for a moment about what he would use as payment that was also of personal value to someone, that wasn't money.

"The life of your first unborn child," you stated remembered a story you had been told about a runaway Princess who sold the life of her first child to save her kingdom.

"Exactly," he nodded.

"But, What would he do with the child?" You asked curiously.

"Who knows?" He shrugged, "Could do anything."

"Jeez," you muttered to yourself an uncomfortable feeling going through your body.

Remembering about the plants you were meant to be getting you continuing to pick them trying to stop any weird thoughts coming to your head. "Bit extreme don't you think?" He nodded helping you pick more plants.

In your eyes, there was nothing more terrifying about making an unbreakable deal with someone like Rumplestiltskin. You could be trapped in a deal there was no way of wriggling out of.

Heya, first off I just wanna say thank you to everyone for being patient with me. I've recently moved house and it's been chaotic and I've had no wifi. But don't worry I now use College wifi that's really good so I'll get to updating more these next few weeks.

Thank you for reading AFG❤️

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