Who are you?

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Peter's POV

Peter strolled back towards his camp feeling pleased with how it had gone with the 'rescue group'. Felix was giving him a nervous look clearly unsure if the Henry mission had gone well. Peter, however, was confident and trusted Y/N not to mess it up.

When he arrived in his camp he noticed Ben, Woody and Cub tied to a tree looking scared.
"What happened?" Peter asked faking being annoyed. None of them answered. "Where's Alex?" He shouted again, instead of answering the three young boys looked up. Confused the rest of the lost boys and Peter looked up. Several sniggers were heard from other boys and Pan smirked slightly.

You had tied Alex up on the underside of a huge branch. His slightly purple face looked scared that he would fall. "What are you doing up there?" Pan asked even though the answer was obvious.

"It was, Y/N," It looked like Alex had mouthed the words but not his voice. The voice of a baby came out. Everyone burst out laughing, even Pan chuckled slightly. Alex looked embarrassed his face turning bright red. "It's not funny, get me down," his baby voice said sounding annoyed.

Peter chuckled again before snapping his fingers and Alex drifted slowly down, stumbling when his feet hit the ground.

"Fix my voice," Alex demanded

"No," Peter replied glaring at Alex.

"Why?" Alex said confused and slightly shocked.

"One, it's funny. Two Y/N is more powerful than me so I can't break the spell. You will have to wait for it to wear off," he began walking towards his tent before pausing, "And find Henry," he yelled and disappeared inside.

He would've to wait until your shadow turned up and arranged a meeting. He couldn't risk Henry seeing his shadow and doubting what Y/N was planning. He stripped off Henry's shirt thinking about you. He smirked at how you had thought of a baby voice for Alex and smirked further and what may happen in the future between the two of you if the plan worked.


Henry was nervously sat on the main platform glancing around at the girls alertly. It was deathly silent, only the faint crackling of the fire could be heard. When you had finished talking with your shadow you walked out of your room and over to Henry to break the tense silence.

"Hey Henry," His head jerked up quickly, "I'm Y/N, but I think you already knew that. Am I right?"
He nodded eyes dancing over you, you guessed he was checking for weapons, he really was Emma's son. "Don't worry, I'm not armed," you put your arms up in surrender and sat opposite him crossed legged. "Hungry?" You offered him a plate of sandwiches that appeared out of nowhere. He shuffled backwards slightly, "Don't worry" you picked one up and bit into it, "I have no reason to hurt you."

Slowly, he carefully took one and hesitantly nibbled on the corner. In his head, he had clearly decided it wasn't poisoned because he took a bigger bite. "Nicer than Pan's food right?"

"Yeah," he chuckled quietly. His eyes flitted over the dark shadows that were the girls watching the two of you.

"Girls can you give us a minute," you called to them. Like ghosts they backed into the darkness, Ayra nodded to you before leaving.

"I promise they are nice when you get to know them," you told him. He simply nodded clearly nervous. You pushed the plate closer to him and smiled kindly, he smiled slightly back and finished the plate.

All you had to do was wait until his curiosity won him over and he started asking questions, patience would win his trust.

Finally, he looked like he couldn't hold it in any longer. "Why am I here?" 

"What a predictable question," you said slowly looking at him, he stubbornly glared at you.
"Alright fine," you gave in to him, "You're here because my favourite thing to do, on this island, is mess with Pan. I heard that you were an important person so I thought we should kidnap you to find out why you're so important," you replied tilting your head to the side slightly.

"Oh, so you're not working with Pan?" He asked slowly.

"Hell no," you laughed, "I just annoy him."

He looked satisfied with your answer, but you could tell there were many more questions he wanted to ask. "Who really are you?" He asked curiously, "Because you look like the spirit girl from when I first arrived. But then Pan told me who you really are. I want to know the truth." His eyebrows had furrowed until they nearly met at the middle and his eyes hardened slightly.

"Well, my entire past is a long story and I can give you details later. What did Peter tell you?" You asked. You needed to know what he had said first before you added to the story.

"He told me you are called Y/N and that you are the most powerful person to ever possess magic. He said you could be very dangerous when you wanted to be and not to make you angry," he replied.

You paused before answering, "You're right so far, he didn't tell you much to be honest."

"What else is there to tell?" He asked interested, it was clear he had relaxed around you because he was asking more questions with less hesitancy.

"I'm sure I can tell you the whole story another time," you replied mysteriously.

"Story..." Henry muttered half lost in thought. Then his face lit up excitedly, "The Story Book, you're not in it. That's why I didn't know who you were before," he paused for a moment thinking hard.

"But why aren't you in it?"

Now that was a very long story you, tried to think of a way to simplifying it so one: it's wasn't more complicated and two: he would find out the rest of your story when the time was right.

"Let's just say I ripped my pages out because I didn't want anyone else to tell my story for me. It's my story and I'm the only one who should be able to tell or change it," you told him.

"What? How? How did you change it?" He asked eagerly a grin on his face. His excitement amused you slightly. 

"It's getting late I'll tell you everything tomorrow."

He didn't complain but you could tell he didn't want to sleep he wanted to keep talking but he simply nodded and got up. "Where am I sleeping?" He asked yawning. 

"There's a room for you. Ayra will show you," at your words Ayra appeared behind him. He slowly walked towards her clearly uncomfortable but he would get used to her. "Goodnight," you called to him waving slightly.

"Goodnight Y/N," he called back. You nodded to Ayra who walked away Henry behind her.

When they were out of sight you walked back towards your room pleased with how the plan had gone. You didn't think Henry suspected you of anything yet but you knew he didn't trust you 100% either. All he needed was time and he would grow to trust you. Tomorrow you would tell him a little bit more about yourself, then the next day a little more and the next even more. The slower the better in this situation, you needed to talk to Pan at some point as well but that could wait until tomorrow. 

You felt pretty tired so you flopped into bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

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